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v37517 Sep 01, 2023


<p>两个大叔约了一个年轻小伙到酒店玩3pTwo uncles and a young man having sex in a hotel</p>

30 min 70tk 65.1tk

v38021 Sep 10, 2023

Old man semen extraction 倩碧公园取...


19 min 100tk

v38755 Sep 29, 2023

帅大叔医生的秘密 The secret of the...

<p>帅大叔医生的秘密 The secret of the handsome uncle doctor(167)</p> <p>年龄:60 yearold &nbsp;身高:175cm &nbsp; 体重:75kg &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> 亚洲中老年人视频,主要类型:胖熊,中年人,父子,叔伯。</p> <p>アジアの中高年ビデオ、主なジャンル: 太ったクマ、中年、父と息子、叔父。</p> <p>Asian middle-aged and elderly videos, main genres: fat bears, middle-aged people, father and son, uncle.</p> <p>아시아 중년 및 노인 비디오, 주요 장르: 뚱뚱한 곰, 중년, 아버지와 아들, 삼촌.</p> <p>Video người gi&agrave; trung ni&ecirc;n ch&acirc;u &aacute;, thể loại ch&iacute;nh: gấu b&eacute;o, trung ni&ecirc;n, cha con, ch&uacute; b&aacute;c.<br /> Video Asia pertengahan umur dan warga emas, genre utama: beruang gemuk, orang pertengahan umur, bapa dan anak lelaki, bapa saudara.</p> <p>एशियाई मध्यम आयु वर्ग और बुजुर्ग वीडियो, मुख्य शैलियाँ: मोटे भालू, मध्यम आयु वर्ग के लोग, पिता और पुत्र, चाचा।</p> <p><br /> &nbsp;</p>

9 min 100tk

v40009 Nov 07, 2023

大叔们酒店激情 uncles hotel passion

<p><a href="https://chubold.com/search-results?s=mature+uncle+jerks+off">熟年叔</a></p> <p><a href="https://chubold.com/search-results?s=uncles+hotel+passion">大叔们酒店激情</a></p> <p>10000部東方胖熊和中老年視頻,圖片集&nbsp;</p> <p>Best Selections of western and oriental chubby, daddy, bear products,we have thousasnds of videos</p> <p>西洋と東洋のぽっちゃり、熟年、ダディ、クマの製品のベストセレクション、私たちは何千ものビデオと</p> <p>Las mejores selecciones de hombres maduros, gorditos occidentales y orientales, productos de osos, tenemos miles de videos y conjuntos de fotos</p>

28 min 80tk

v40769 Nov 25, 2023

Horny Chubby Bear Daddy

<p>Horny Chubby Bear Daddy</p>

3 min 40tk

v41267 Dec 02, 2023

Daddy Bear 4 Cum Shoot Compilation

<p>Daddy Bear 4 Cum Shoot Compilation</p>

7 min 80tk

7% Off

v43533 Jan 27, 2024

大叔操老头,最后射精了The uncle fuc...

<p>大叔操老头,最后射精了The uncle fucked the old man and finally ejaculated</p>

8 min 70tk 65.1tk

v44298 Feb 19, 2024

妖姐租屋房口交帅老头 Old man played...

<p><a href="https://chubold.com/search-results?s=played+by+CD">妖姐系列</a></p> <p><a href="https://chubold.com/search-results?s=erotic+CD">CD</a></p> <p>10000部東方胖熊和中老年視頻,圖片集&nbsp;</p> <p>Best Selections of western and oriental chubby, daddy, bear products,we have thousasnds of videos</p> <p>西洋と東洋のぽっちゃり、熟年、ダディ、クマの製品のベストセレクション、私たちは何千ものビデオと</p> <p>Las mejores selecciones de hombres maduros, gorditos occidentales y orientales, productos de osos, tenemos miles de videos y conjuntos de fotos</p>

32 min 80tk

20% Off

v45335 Mar 15, 2024


<p>熊熊情色小说:邪熊外传</p> <p>字数:116181;页数:104;解压后为txt文件</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>1</p> <p>&nbsp; 耳边听到一阵&ldquo;哧啦哧啦&rdquo;的声响,似乎是炒菜的声音。不,的确是炒菜的声音,因为紧接着我的鼻子已经闻到了油香味,是那种很正点的小作坊手工压榨的菜子油的香味&hellip;&hellip;唔,是辣椒炒肉丝没错,不过好像放了很多糖,这样味道会不会太甜了?而且辣椒味也太冲了,是朝天椒吧,干嘛放那么多?真是的,应该放菜椒嘛&hellip;&hellip;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 睁开眼睛,立刻觉得一阵晃眼,怕是快中午了吧,阳光这么刺眼,难怪刚才闭着眼睛都感觉那么亮&hellip;&hellip;想伸手放到眼前遮挡一下,一抬胳膊我疼得&ldquo;咝&rdquo;了一声&mdash;&mdash;真他妈的痛啊,手仿佛断掉了一般,而且疼的似乎还不只是手,还有锁骨,还有两肋,还有胸口,特别是脑袋,不光像裂开一样疼,还在&ldquo;嗡嗡嗡&rdquo;直叫唤,要命&hellip;&hellip;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 摇了摇头,意识总算清醒了点,我开始自己提问,自己回答:</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;我是谁?&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;我想我是丁骁。&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;我在哪里?&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;呃&hellip;&hellip;不知道。&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;我还活着吗?&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;大概是吧,听说死人不会有感觉,如果我死翘翘了,全身应该不会这么痛才对。&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;为什么我全身会这么痛?&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;让我想想&hellip;&hellip;&rdquo;我再次努力甩甩头,大脑短暂的空白之后,不久之前但又恍如隔世的一幕幕立刻放电影般哗啦啦一下子全都涌了出来,我忽然就什么都记起来了。</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 向哥&hellip;&hellip;向哥怎么样了?他应该没事了吧?我还活着,难道是向哥救了我?我急切地挣扎着四处转动着脑袋企图找到向哥的身影,然而我立刻失望了:双目所及既不是在向哥世纪花园的家里,也不是在锦江冠城的房子里,大略地打量了一下,我发现自己正置身于一个高大空旷但略显破旧的房间中,不过收拾得还算干净。屋子里的摆设很简单,除了我睡的这张床之外,就只有一张橱子和一张办公桌,桌子上摞着一摊杂七杂八的书本,连电视都没有。看情形应该是标准的农村厢房。</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &mdash;&mdash;原来不是向哥救了我。想到这里,我的心里隐隐感到一些酸楚,还有委屈。</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 为什么?为什么我总是得不到我要的爱情?为什么电影中完美的爱情结局总也降临不到我的头上?为什么我这样的付出之后收获的除了伤痛还是伤痛?</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 我的心像被一只手紧攫着,揉捏着,让我悸动,几乎就要放声痛哭&mdash;&mdash;可是我没有,我只是紧紧咬住牙齿,竭力抑制着双肩的抽动&mdash;&mdash;我要把我的悲伤深深地藏起来,藏到我灵魂的最深处。</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 一切已经过去了。爱已成往事,我又何苦紧抓住不放手?向哥不爱我,我这样一相情愿地痴缠牵绊着他又有什么意义?想到他电话里他比冰还要寒冷的声音,我的心又是一阵剧烈的紧缩,甚至连胃也一起痛了起来。</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 胃真的很痛诶,似乎有很久没吃过什么东西了&hellip;&hellip;鼻子闻到的那股菜香味的诱惑越来越难以抵挡。我想撑着身子下地去找些什么吃的填填肚子,好不容易坐起身,我才发现自己的双手、双臂、胸膛、左腿都被包扎得严严实实的,肋骨和右手好像还上了夹板,根本就无法动弹。</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 我叹了口气,看来只好厚着脸皮讨点吃的了。我深呼吸一口气,张嘴叫道:&ldquo;喂&mdash;&mdash;&rdquo;声音一出口,我吓了一跳,这&hellip;&hellip;这这这是我的声音吗?又闷又压,像包在破棉絮里面的破锣,几乎连我自己都听不见。</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 唉,看来还是要靠自己啊。我翻滚了一下身子,让自己半侧过来,用右胳膊肘勉强支起身子,刚打算伸出脚站到地上,头脑却一阵眩晕,胳膊不由得一软,整个人顿时向地上栽过去。我哑着嗓子惊呼道:&ldquo;呀&mdash;&mdash;&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &ldquo;咣&mdash;&mdash;&rdquo;有什么盘子摔在地上的声音,但肯定不是我,因为就在我即将摔倒的时候,一双厚实的手及时托住了我,我的脑袋撞在一个软软的物事上,好像是&hellip;&hellip;肚子。</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 我抬起头,双眼对上了一张龇牙咧嘴的脸,见我看着他,他恶狠狠地嚷道:&ldquo;喂,小子,再添乱我还把你丢到河里算了!&rdquo;<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</p>

Author: 熊无极 100tk 80tk

v46279 Mar 31, 2024

Big cock man fucks step-son and par...

<p>Big cock man fucks step-son and partner 西北巨根操射老婆再操干儿子(31} </p>

32 min 80tk

v50362 Jun 27, 2024



15 min 120tk

v50873 Jul 11, 2024

成熟したセックスの記録|Mature old...

<p>标题|成熟したセックスの記録|Mature old man sex record</p> <p>年龄-58yearold|身高-175cm|体重-75kg</p> <p>画面可能有字体,但不影响观看画质|There may be fonts on the screen, but it does not affect the viewing quality</p> <p>亚洲中老年人视频|胖熊|中年人|父子|叔伯</p> <p>アジアの中高年ビデオ|主なジャンル: 太ったクマ、中年、父と息子、叔父。</p> <p>Asian middle-aged and elderly videos, main genres: fat bears, middle-aged people, father and son, uncle.&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> 아시아 중년 및 노인 비디오, 주요 장르: 뚱뚱한 곰, 중년, 아버지와 아들, 삼촌.</p> <p>Video người gi&agrave; trung ni&ecirc;n ch&acirc;u &aacute;, thể loại ch&iacute;n gấu b&eacute;o, trung ni&ecirc;n, cha con, ch&uacute; b&aacute;c.<br /> Video Asia pertengahan umur dan warga emas, genre utama: beruang gemuk, orang pertengahan umur, bapa dan anak lelaki, bapa saudara.</p> <p>एशियाई मध्यम आयु वर्ग और बुजुर्ग वीडियो, मुख्य शैलियाँ: मोटे भालू, मध्यम आयु वर्ग के लोग, पिता और पुत्र, चाचा।</p>

19 min 80tk

v55713 Sep 20, 2024

成熟帅气爸爸自慰|Mature handsome d...

<p>成熟帅气爸爸自慰|Mature handsome dad masturbates|直男-1607<br /> |<br /> 年龄-58yearold|身高-175cm|体重-75kg</p> <p>画面可能有字体,但不影响观看画质|There may be fonts on the screen, but it does not affect the viewing quality</p> <p>亚洲中老年人视频|胖熊|中年人|父子|叔伯a</p> <p>アジアの中高年ビデオ|主なジャンル: 太ったクマ、中年、父と息子、叔父。</p> <p>Asian middle-aged and elderly videos, main genres: fat bears, middle-aged people, father and son, uncle.&nbsp;</p> <p>아시아 중년 및 노인 비디오, 주요 장르: 뚱뚱한 곰, 중년, 아버지와 아들, 삼촌.</p> <p>Video người gi&agrave; trung ni&ecirc;n ch&acirc;u &aacute;, thể loại ch&iacute;n gấu b&eacute;o, trung ni&ecirc;n, cha con, ch&uacute; b&aacute;c.<br /> Video Asia pertengahan umur dan warga emas, genre utama: beruang gemuk, orang pertengahan umur, bapa dan anak lelaki, bapa saudara.</p> <p>एशियाई मध्यम आयु वर्ग और बुजुर्ग वीडियो, मुख्य शैलियाँ: मोटे भालू, मध्यम आयु वर्ग के लोग, पिता और पुत्र, चाचा।</p> <p><br /> &nbsp;</p>

9 min 80tk

v06890 Oct 08, 2020

胡子帅熊和伴侣直播XO合集Two men web...

胡子帅熊和伴侣直播XO合集 Two men web-broadcasting. Click here to list all Husky Productions.

37 min 159tk

v01716 Oct 08, 2020

Mid-aged man in kinky domination ga...

Mid-aged man in kinky domination game Click her to list all oldermania's movies.

55 min 219tk

v01179 Oct 08, 2020

German 3some with older chub and mi...

German 3some with older chub and mid-aged moustached man.More his movies v2377, v0658, v0823, v1027, v1818, v2083.

25 min 179tk

v01827 Oct 08, 2020

French mid-aged dad with huge cock...

French mid-aged dad with huge cock and balls.More his movies v2588, v2569, v2286, v2285, v2216, v1909, v1642, v1543, v1563.

17 min 179tk

v06523 Oct 08, 2020

The Neighbour - by Pornmaster Produ...

The Neighbour - by Pornmaster Productions. I went to visit My neighbour Trisha, she was feeling really Pissed off The Fucking Plumber had let her down for the Third time! so she was in her Bedroom chilling out with a Vodka and Tonic, but what she needed was a stiff Cock, so I offered her something on which to take out her frustrations, my cock was already nice and hard so she wasted no time in sucking on it before I started to strip her off then I bent her over the bed and fingered her juicy cunt, after which I rammed my cock deep inside her and fucked her hard with her bent over on the bed in the doggy position, I hadnt fully stripped her off so I removed her jeans before she sucked all her pussy juice off my cock making it nice and hard again so I laid her on her back and she spread her legs wide and tickled her clit while I pounded away with my stiff cock. Then I lay back on the bed and she sucked me hard before climbing on board and riding me Cowgirl, then she turned around and started to ride me Reverse Cowgirl and she put on her Cow Girl Hat and bounced up and down on my stiff cock enjoying several orgasms, before I bent her over and fucked her doggy style thrusting my cock hard and deep in her cunt, after which I spread her gaping cunt and fingered her tight little arse hole before giving her a toy to play with and she pleasured herself with it while she sucked on my balls as I played with my cock, I was getting ready to cum so she sat up and sucked my cock which I buried deep down her throat and I shot my full load all in her mouth. The Dirty Doctor 1920*1080 pixels Click here to list all movies by Pornmaster productions.

26 min 259tk

v00325 Oct 08, 2020



61 min 379tk

v09983 May 31, 2021

Asian str8 mid-aged | old man JO 直...

<p>Asian str8 mid-aged | old man JO 直男中老年自慰</p> <p>High quality, 高質量</p> <p>webcam,直男视频,ネカマ</p>

7 min 60tk

Showing 21821 to 21840 of 26806 Records