v18000 - Raw unedited footage Veteran Wrestlers 001

Title Raw unedited footage Veteran Wrestlers 001
Added May 04, 2022
Size 823.24 MB
Tags couple western mid-aged hairy chub stocky str8 clean-shaved beard
Duration(min) 1 min
Price(tk) US$1=20tk 40tk
Dimension 2160 X 3840
No. of purchases 0
Discount() 0
Uploaded by Wrestling Maniac


1 min 11 seconds, 24 FPS, with audio

This raw series are for those who prefer high quality, uncompressed, raw and unedited, directly offloaded from Panasonic GH4 camera, 4K

Watch the video on a 4K monitor to appreciate the quality, enjoy!

Why is the file size so large? Answer: Because the data birate is 97234kbps coming directly from GH4 camera, it is mov format


このrawシリーズは、Panasonic GH4カメラ、4Kから直接オフロードされた、高品質、非圧縮、raw、未編集を好む人向けです。

Keywords: veteran, wrestlers, wrestling, mid-aged, hairy, stocky, bear, close-up, 熊,摔跤,中老年