Are you 18 or older? You must be of legal age to view our website. Due to legal requirements you must verify your age.


How to sign up an account?

New Customer Sign Up:
Customer Log In:

New Studio/Seller Sign Up:
Studio/Seller Log In:

What is Token?

Tokens are the website's money unit; you pay for downloads with tokens in your account; 
"tk" is short for token.
Conversion rate: 1 USD = 20 TOKENS

We have 4 packages of tokens for purchase after you sign up an account:
Bronze Pack 600 tokens - US$29.95
Silver Pack 977 tokens 3% more - US$47.45
Gold Pack 1865 tokens 6% more - US$87.95
Diamond Pack 4320 tokens 8% more - US$200

How to buy Tokens?

Accepted Payments Methods since 28/09/2024:

Credit Cards
WeChat(微信支付)- unavailable 
Alipay(支付宝)- unavailable 
UnionPay, Line Pay and Taiwan
Zelle (US only)

*Credit Cards Payments are open to paid/verified users only.
*”AIFUN" will show up in your credit card bill.

To request a PayPal payment, please use the contact form at the bottom.
Please mention which token pack you'd like to buy, and both your register email and PayPal in your message.

Token Packages:

Bronze Pack 600 tokens - US$29.95
Silver Pack 977 tokens 3% more - US$47.45
Gold Pack 1865 tokens 6% more - US$87.95
Diamond Pack 4320 tokens 8% more - US$200

What payments do you accept?

Accepted Payments Methods since 28/09/2024:

Credit Cards
WeChat(微信支付)- unavailable 
Alipay(支付宝)- unavailable 
UnionPay, Line Pay and Taiwan
Zelle (US only)
*"AIFUN" will show up in your credit card bill.

Why can't I see the videos by Beach Inspector, Lurker Hooker, Lone Wolf etc?

You are not logged in or you have no tokens in your account.

Are all the models on chubold over the age of 18?

All models are 18 yrs old or older.
All content on this site is roleplaying fantasies only.
All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.

Is a download manager still required to download the files?

We do not recommend Download Manager at this time because the download links are dynamically created and will vary over time.
You may just download them using your web browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
You can use your computer, tablet, or smartphone to download.

How long do I have after purchasing a movie to download it?

You have 3 days from the date of purchase to download.
Please keep in mind that if you try to re-download it after 3 days, you will be required to spend the same amount of tokens.

What are your refund policies?

If you are unhappy with the items or services because of inaccurate descriptions, please contact us and we will gladly offer you with a solution or a refund. Note that “inaccurate descriptions“ do not include mistyping, misspelling or translation error cases.
NOTE: some IP-cams have no audio due to the nature of the recordings, sometimes only ambient sound or muted, therefore no refund any IP-cam videos that have no audio.

I have videos to sell, what shall I do?

Sign up a studio account by clicking "Sell here" on the top, fill out the form, we will get in touch with you.

60%: original content.
40%: non-original and non-copyrighted content.
Payment can be made using PayPal, bank account, or other methods.

What kind of content do you accept?
ANYTHING except minors and animals.

When will tokens be added after I make a Bitcoin transaction?

0.5 to 12 hours, depending on when the transaction is made.
To inquire about a transaction, please complete the contact form below, specifying your email address, wallet address, and the amount.

How to buy tokens with Bitcoins?

4 simple steps:

1. Download a Cryptocurrency Wallet to your Mobile or Desktop computer;
Wallets are available for both mobile and desktop computers.., Coinbase, Exodus, Coinomi are the most popular wallets.

2. After installing your wallet, purchase Bitcoins from within it.
Most popular wallets accept credit cards, bank transfers, PayPal, and other payment methods.

3. Once you have Bitcoins in your wallet, you can use our website to make a Bitcoin transaction.
My Account → Add tokens → Choose “Bitcoins” Option

4. When you click the Bitcoins button, a small window will popup in which you can either copy the Bitcoin address into your wallet to pay or just scan the QR code to pay on your wallet app.

*If a bitcoin payment is insufficient, for example, you paid $20 worthy of bitcoin, only 400 tokens will be added to your account.

I have lost the videos because my hard drive is dead, what can I do?

Unfortunately you will have to purchase them with the original prices, we do not offer free re-download due to the traffic cost. 
Please take responsibilities of your files, back them up on clouds or external hard drives.
Fact check: average hard drive lifespan are 3-5 years.

Is your site secure?

You bet! our site is 256 bit SSL through out, all information goes in and out are totally encrypted.

What's your server time?

Our server uses CET (Central European Time).
For example: when a discount ends on Feb 02, it means Feb 02 24:00 (CET).

How to cancel/close my account?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the website.
Note that the history under the account would be gone forever when an account is cancelled/closed.

@ 2024 All rights reserved, Chubold