60 岁以上系列第 13 集 : 放大拉直版V10950 - 60多岁大阴茎的中国爸爸 和马六甲的马来西亚混血女孩 - Over 60s series Ep 13 : Enlarged and straightened version of V10950 - Chinese daddy with big cock in his 60s with mixed race Malaysian girl from Malacca
Adult Sketch Collections Ep 27 ( 第 27集) : 4个优秀剪辑。 新疆爷爷,白胖爷爷,韩国老公,丛林里的印尼华人中年情侣 - 4 excellent clips. Xinjiang grandpa, fat white grandpa, Korean husband, and Indonesian middle aged Chines couple in the jungle