v18407 - Mid-aged stocky bear with his lover 中年壮熊旅馆偷情少妇

Title Mid-aged stocky bear with his lover 中年壮熊旅馆偷情少妇
Added May 15, 2022
Size 321.28 MB
Tags couple asian mid-aged young hairy chub stocky str8 beard Movie
Duration(min) 10 min
Price(tk) US$1=20tk 200tk
Dimension 1280 X 960
No. of purchases 1
Discount() 0
Uploaded by Panda video


Pander Video Studio

PDV-N001 中年壮熊旅馆偷情少妇,又亲又舔,多种动作和体位,活像一台带了避孕套的打桩机


格式大小:960P 30帧 - 321M(H264 MP4格式压缩,该资源拍摄时间较久,画面比例为4:3,因拍摄设备不好,整体会有噪点)





Pander Video Studio

PDV-N001 A middle-aged young woman cheating at the strong bear hotel, kissing and licking, various movements and positions, like a pile driver with a condom

Duration: 10min

Format size: 960P 30 frames - 321M (H264 MP4 format compression, this resource takes a long time to shoot, the aspect ratio is 4:3, due to poor shooting equipment, there will be overall noise)

Content keywords: strong bear, straight man, internal ejaculation, pile driver, various positions

Video series: This resource is privately shot, and the resource is the original file watermarked by the creator. There are a total of 28 male lead videos, which will be released later according to sales.

*One week of video promotion, 50% discount on previous week's purchases


Pander Video Studio

PDV-N001 中年壯熊旅館偷情少婦,又親又舔,多種動作和體位,活像一臺帶了避孕套的打樁機


格式大小:960P 30幀 - 321M(H264 MP4格式壓縮,該資源拍攝時間較久,畫面比例為4:3,因拍攝設備不好,整體會有噪點)



