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v14545 Jan 05, 2022

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 56 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  Two men used two vibrators to stimulate one of the man’s cock until ejaculation with semen geyser.</p> <p>剪辑 1:两个男人用两个振动器刺激男人的阴茎,直到射精射精液喷泉。</p> <p>Clip 2:  A Chinese grandpa sucking his grandson off</p> <p>片段2:中国爷爷给孙子口交直到在爷爷的嘴里射精</p> <p>Clip 3:  A fat Chinese grandpa fucking another Chinese grandpa bareback.  The grandpa even sucked the fat grandpa’s cock straight after he pulled out of his own anus.  Then the fat grandpa continued fucking the grandpa until ejaculation inside the anus.</p> <p>剪辑 3:一个中国胖爷爷<a name="_Hlk92236107">无鞍操</a>另一个中国爷爷。 胖爷爷的阴茎拔出那位爷爷的肛门后那位爷爷直接吮吸了<a name="_Hlk92236034">胖爷爷的阴茎</a>。 然后胖爷爷继续无鞍操爷爷,直到在肛门内射精。</p> <p>Clip 4:  A Vietnamese daddy showing off his penis on his bicycle to someone in the open.</p> <p>剪辑 4:一位越南爸爸在户外骑在自行车上向某人炫耀他的阴茎。</p> <p>Clip 5:  A Chinese uncle had his cock sucked by a Chinese grandpa and then he fucked the grandpa bareback until ejaculation inside the grandpa.</p> <p>剪辑 5:一位中国叔叔让一位中国爷爷吸吮他的阴茎,然后他无鞍地操爷爷,直到在爷爷体内射精。</p>

9 min 60tk

v14539 Jan 05, 2022

Illustration: Chen Lie stretches 陈...

<p>陈烈伸懒腰穿衣服版本和裸体版本</p> <p>Illustration of Chen Lie yawn and stretches, the set includes clothed and nude </p> <p>本工作室接受客制,https://chubold.com/studios,找到我的工作室,點接受客制請求</p> <p>I accept custom request, please go to https://chubold.com/studios, find my studio banner, click "accept custom request"</p>

Author: Kumanozu 40tk

v14529 Jan 04, 2022

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 55 ( 第...

<p>Old Chinese man fucked a woman in the wilderness.  He started with a condom but he removed it at the end and ejaculated bareback inside the woman.</p> <p>At 6:38 in the video, the old man removed the condom.</p> <p>中国老男人在荒野里干了一个女人。 他开始使用避孕套,但最后他将其取下并无鞍地射精到女人体内。</p> <p>视频中6点38分,老人取下了避孕套。</p>

9 min 60tk

v14518 Jan 03, 2022

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 54 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  The black daddy’s lunch break relief in the wood wanking ejaculating and eating his own semen</p> <p>剪辑 1:黑人爸爸的午休时间在树林里放松缓解射精和吃自己的精液</p> <p>Clip 2:  Fat white grandpa with hairy chest and big cock wanking and ejaculating</p> <p>剪辑2:白胖爷爷胸毛茸茸大公鸡手淫射精</p> <p>Clip 3:  Fat white daddy wanking and ejaculating in his beautiful garden</p> <p>剪辑 3:胖白爸爸在他美丽的花园里手淫和射精</p> <p>Clip 4:  Fat South American daddy wanking and ejaculating in a public toilet</p> <p>剪辑 4:胖南美爸爸在公共厕所手淫和射精</p> <p>Clip 5:  A mentally ill daddy wanking in a very busy street somewhere in Tibet.  Pedestrians just walked by and did not really care or react to it.</p> <p>剪辑 5:一个精神有问题的爸爸在西藏某处非常繁忙的街道上手淫。 行人看见都只是路过,并没有真正关心或做出反应。</p>

9 min 80tk

v14517 Jan 03, 2022

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 53 ( 第...

<p>Two Chinese old men having fun in front of the camera – cuddling, cock sucking and wanking</p> <p>两个中国老人在镜头前玩得很开心 - 拥抱、吸吮口交和手淫</p>

10 min 60tk

v14509 Jan 02, 2022

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 52 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  A more than 30 years old footage of a grandpa catholic priest in South America who was caught having sex with a young black man, his house servant.  This caused a scandal and the Father had to step down and retire.  There are not short of young adults who wish they were the young black man.  That grandpa was cute and had a big cock.  Soon after he had retired in disgrace the pressure got to him and he passed away shortly.</p> <p>Clip 2:  Daddies having fun inside a Russian public toilet.</p> <p>片段 1:一个超过 30 年的镜头南美洲一位祖父天主教神父被拍到与一名年轻的黑人发生性关系, 他的家仆。 这引起了一场丑闻,神父不得不下台退休。 不乏希望自己是年轻黑人的年轻人。 那个爷爷很可爱,有一个大公鸡。 在他耻辱地退休后不久,压力就降临到他身上,不久他就去世了。</p> <p>剪辑 2:爸爸们在俄罗斯公共厕所里玩得很开心。</p>

11 min 80tk

v14488 Jan 01, 2022

Bearboss 2022 first vid 熊教授2020...

<p>Bearboss 2022 first vid 熊教授2020第一部</p>

31 min 300tk

v14487 Jan 01, 2022

Sao Xiong Make Love 骚熊做爱2022第...

<p>Sao Xiong Make Love 骚熊做爱2022第一部</p>

33 min 300tk

v14479 Dec 31, 2021

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 50 ( 第...

<p>剪辑 1:在南美洲的某个地方,在火车上,摄影师正在拍摄他右边的两个爸爸,因为他们正在玩公鸡。然后他把相机转向面对他的胖子,因为他已经把阴茎拔了出来,开始手淫。他一直把相机对准那个胖子,直到他射精。然后他把相机转回右边的两个男人,他们仍然在玩公鸡,同时看到胖子手淫和射精的画面。然后录像停止了。</p> <p>Clip 1:  Somewhere in South America on a train, the cameraman was filming the two daddies on his right as they were playing with cocks.  Then he turned his camera to the fat man facing him as he was already had his cock out and started wanking.  He kept the camera on the fat man until he ejaculated.  Then he turned his camera back to the two men on the right still playing with cock while having the visual of the fat man wanking and ejaculating.  Then the footage stopped.</p> <p>剪辑 2: 一个英俊的中国爷爷手淫和射精</p> <p>Clip 2:  A handsome Chinese grandpa wanking and ejaculating</p> <p>剪辑 3: 一个胖爷爷有一个漂亮的公鸡手淫和射精</p> <p>Clip 3:  A fat grandpa with a nice cock wanking and ejaculating</p> <p>片段4:新加坡的一位华裔爷爷正在吸吮和手淫一个白人叔叔的大公鸡。爷爷只吃了预精液,因为叔叔把他的精液留来操华裔爷爷。把爷爷的屁股打开的拍摄环节在另一个视频中,但我现在把它定位错了。一旦找到,我会上传这个。</p> <p>Clip 4:  A Chinese grandpa in Singapore was sucking and wanking a white uncle’s big cock.  The grandpa ate only the pre-cum because the uncle reserved his semen for a fucking session.  The fucking session which wide opened the grandpa’s arse is in a different video but I mislocated this at the moment.  Once found, I will upload this.</p> <p>片段5:阴茎长的中国爷爷在厕所隔间里被小伙子吸了。摄影师正在他们旁边的小隔间里偷偷地拍摄他们。最后,摄影师担心自己会被他们发现,于是将相机固定在一个位置,以为相机会继续拍摄他们。不幸的是,它正对着厕所隔间的不同部分。虽然在固定图像的镜头中有喧嚣、吮吸和轻微的尖叫声,但我已经剪掉了它,因为它长约 120 秒而且很无聊。</p> <p>Clip 5:  The Chinese grandpa who has a long penis was sucked by a young fellow in a toilet cubicle.  The cameraman was secretly filming them from the cubicle next to them.  In the end, the cameraman was worried that he would be discovered by them so he fixed the camera in a position thinking that the camera would continue filming them.  Unfortunately, it was facing a different part of the toilet cubicle.  Though there is hustling, sucking, and slight screaming sound in the footage with a fixed image, I have cut this out as it was about 120 seconds long and boring.</p> <p>剪辑 6:这个视频是一个红利。一个印度爸爸正在吮吸一个胖印度叔叔的大公鸡,直到叔叔射精,爸爸吃了精液。</p> <p>Clip 6:  This video is a throw in.  An Indian daddy was sucking the big cock of a fat Indian uncle until the uncle ejaculated and the daddy ate the semen.</p>

10 min 80tk

v14466 Dec 30, 2021

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 49 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  Fat white grandpa was sucked by his fat grandson.  Grandson ejaculated on the grandpa’s cock.  Grandpa gave the grandson a facial.</p> <p>片段1:白胖爷爷被胖孙子吸阴茎。 孙子在爷爷的阴茎上射精。 爷爷给孙子颜射。</p> <p>Clip 2:  A hospital grandpa doctor had just started being fucked by his student in the toilet cubicle.  They realised that they were being filmed so the student threw the toilet roll at the camera.  It is a pity that everything stopped at this point.</p> <p>剪辑 2:一位医院的爷爷医生刚开始在厕所隔间里被他的学生操。 他们意识到他们被拍了,所以学生把卫生纸扔到相机上。 可惜一切都停在了这一刻。</p> <p>Clip 3:  In a South Pacific Island, a fat daddy was sucked by his fat son.  Daddy ejaculated and the son swallowed.</p> <p>剪辑3:在南太平洋的一个岛屿上,一个胖爸爸被他的胖儿子吸了。 爸爸射精,儿子吞了下去。</p> <p>Clip 4:  A white grandpa and a man both stroking each other’s cocks.  Grandpa ejaculated in the end.</p> <p>片段 4:一个白人爷爷和一个男人都抚摸着对方的阴茎。 爷爷最后射精了。</p> <p>Clip 5:  A fat Chinese daddy wearing a black trench coat was wanking off in front of the camera</p> <p>片段5:一个穿着黑色风衣的中国胖爸爸在镜头前手淫射精</p> <p>Clip 6:  A fat white grandpa had his cock sucked by a fat white daddy in the wood.  Grandpa ejaculated on daddy’s chest.</p> <p>剪辑 6:一个白人胖爷爷在树林里被一个白人胖爸爸吸了他的阴茎。 爷爷在爸爸的胸口射精。</p>

11 min 80tk

v14448 Dec 29, 2021

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 48 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  White and Black daddies with big cocks sucking and swallowing each other in the wood</p> <p>剪辑 1:白人和黑人爸爸,大公鸡在树林里互相吮吸和吞咽</p> <p>Clip 2:  Fat White daddy wanking himself off with ejaculation</p> <p>剪辑 2:胖白爸爸自慰射精</p> <p>Clip 3:  Vietnamese uncle fucking a prop and then wanking himself off with ejaculation</p> <p>剪辑 3:越南叔叔操一个道具,然后手淫射精</p> <p>Clip 4:  A black dude with a big cock fucking a white daddy’s mouth with cum exploding in daddy’s mouth running down his chin</p> <p>剪辑 4: 一个有大公鸡的黑人家伙操一个白人爸爸的嘴,精液在爸爸的嘴里爆炸,沿着他的下巴流下</p> <p>Clip 5:  A White daddy with a big cock wanking himself off with ejaculation in the open field</p> <p>剪辑 5:一个白人爸爸有一个大公鸡在空旷的地方射精</p>

12 min 80tk

v14435 Dec 28, 2021

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 47 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  Through the glory hole, Mexican daddy was filmed fucking his friend in the toilet cubicle until ejaculation.</p> <p>剪辑 1:通过荣耀孔,墨西哥爸爸被拍到在厕所隔间里操他的朋友直到射精。</p> <p>Clip 2:  Fat Indian grandpa was filmed washing and cleaning his big cock in the toilet only for someone to grab his cock and balls.</p> <p>剪辑 2: 胖印度爷爷被拍到在厕所里清洗和清洁他的大阴茎,只是因为有人将抓住了他的阴茎和阴囊。</p> <p>Clip 3:  Shy Bolivian daddies pissing and self rubbing in the toilet but lacking the confidence to make any first move.</p> <p>剪辑 3:害羞的玻利维亚爸爸在厕所里小便和自我摩擦,但缺乏迈出第一步的信心。</p> <p>Clip 4:  A Brazilian grandpa flapping his big cock about in the public toilet and at one point someone touched and molested his big cock.</p> <p>剪辑 4:一位巴西爷爷在公共厕所里拍打摆动他的大阴茎,也有人触摸并调戏了他的大阴茎。</p> <p>Clip 5:  In this crazy Cuban public toilet, everyone went wild with sucking, wanking, ejaculating, fucking, etc.</p> <p>剪辑 5:在这个疯狂的古巴公共厕所里,每个人都疯狂地吮吸、手淫、射精、操等等。</p>

12 min 80tk

v14424 Dec 27, 2021

Christmas Edition 圣诞性爱特辑

<p>Christmas Edition 圣诞性爱特辑</p>

37 min 300tk

v14422 Dec 27, 2021

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 46 ( 第...

<p>I am not sure whether this is real but I also think it would be quite challenging and expensive for him to acquire this type of fake penis.</p> <p>我不确定这是否是真的,但我也认为如果他能获得这种假阴茎会是有非常挑战性和昂贵.</p>

4 min 40tk

v14421 Dec 27, 2021

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 45 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  Cantonese daddy wanking his friend off in a car in a busy town centre</p> <p>剪辑 1:  粤语爸爸在繁忙的市中心在车里打他的朋友手枪射精很多</p> <p>Clip 2 and 3:  Indonesian daddy was wanked off twice in a car</p> <p>剪辑 2 and 3:  印尼爸爸在车里被打了手枪射精两次</p>

9 min 60tk

v14408 Dec 26, 2021

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 44 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  Two Japanese daddies in Hawaii have sex in their front garden with passers by watching.  The fat daddy with glasses were being wanked while he was sitting on the other daddy’s cock.  He then ejaculated.</p> <p>剪辑 1:夏威夷的两个日本爸爸在他们的前花园性交让路人观看。 戴着眼镜的胖爸爸坐在另一个爸爸的阴茎上时,他正在被手淫。 然后他射精了。</p> <p>Clip 2:  The Chinese daddy was being fucked in the mouth by the Chinese uncle until the uncle ejaculated in the daddy’s mouth.  He then spit out the semen.</p> <p>剪辑2:中国爸爸被中国大叔在嘴里操,直到大叔在爸爸的嘴里射精。 然后他吐出精液。</p>

13 min 80tk

v14401 Dec 25, 2021

CD counter-attacked fat daddy 首发C...

<p>截止09/01/2022, 共434部杨沈凌原创原创作品,因为题材敏感的关系,大部分隐藏起来,请注册购买代币就可以查看。</p> <p>There are hundreds original videos like this one from this studio, please sign up, add tokens to preview all his videos.</p><p>关键词:有水印,偷拍,盗撮,cross-dressing, crossdress, seduce, str8, heteosexual, chubby, daddy, obese, 女裝,伪娘,直男,大叔,肥胖,中年,老年,口交,肛交,переодевание, travesti<br /> <br /> 【有水印但是不影响观看】介意勿买【杨沈凌原创】<br />  </p>

40 min 100tk

v14383 Dec 25, 2021

First Night 嫩菊壮狒的初夜

<p>First Night 嫩菊壮狒的初夜</p>

25 min 280tk

v14378 Dec 25, 2021

Adult Sketch Collections Ep 43 ( 第...

<p>Clip 1:  Chinese daddy visited a working woman and had fantastic sex</p> <p>剪辑 1:中国爸爸拜访了一位职业女性并进行了极好的的性爱</p> <p>Clip 2:  A Chinese grandpa visited a health spa and received a fantastic wank from the service girl</p> <p>片段 2:一位中国爷爷去了一个健康水疗中心,并从服务女孩那里得到了美妙的手淫</p> <p>Clip 3:  A Chinese daddy while he was fucking a woman, he was being watched and commented by his friend</p> <p>片段3:一个中国爸爸在他操女人时,他被朋友在旁观看和评论</p>

12 min 60tk

v14355 Dec 23, 2021

CD counter-attacked baldy oldman (n...

<p>截止09/01/2022, 共434部杨沈凌原创原创作品,因为题材敏感的关系,大部分隐藏起来,请注册购买代币就可以查看。</p> <p>There are hundreds original videos like this one from this studio, please sign up, add tokens to preview all his videos.</p><p>Note: no sound, 注意无声</p><p>关键词:有水印,偷拍,盗撮,cross-dressing,&nbsp;crossdress,&nbsp;seduce,&nbsp;str8,&nbsp;heteosexual,&nbsp;chubby,&nbsp;daddy,&nbsp;obese,&nbsp;女裝,伪娘,直男,大叔,肥胖,中年,老年,口交,肛交,переодевание,&nbsp;travesti<br /> <br /> 【有水印但是不影响观看】介意勿买【杨沈凌原创】<br /> &nbsp;</p>

15 min 80tk

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