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v45160 Mar 12, 2024


<p>熊熊情色小说:采熊贼</p> <p>字数:261592;页数:333;解压后为txt文件</p> <p>节选: 训练班开在湖滨公园不远处的文化宫。</br> 当徐光华和刘汉斌锁好车子,进到训练馆时,发觉负责报名的两个师兄高晓乐和刘恩已经到了,正带着几个十三、四岁的师弟在打扫训练场地。</br> 这两个师兄是另一所大学的大三学生,跟着师傅学了一年多。</br> 班里还有二十来个年纪较小的师弟和几个业余时间来的成年人。</br> 徐、刘二人很懂事地主动上前去帮忙打扫、收拾。</br> “高师兄,两位师傅我们都还没见过呢,跟我们说一说吧。”刘汉斌用手肘轻轻碰了碰高晓乐。</br> “哈,这个你们一会就能见到的,现在问我我也不知道怎么说。”高晓乐笑了笑,随后指了指后边墙面上的几个大相框:“你们自己去看看吧,那上边有师傅的照片。”</br> 徐、刘二人擦完垫子后走了过去。</br> 相框上的照片是得奖时拍的,其中一张是两个威风凜凜的青年壮汉,一同抱着座金灿灿的奖杯,另一只手上还各自举着块圆圆的金奖牌,笑得是那么的开心,以至于让人见了也要会心一笑。</br> 徐光华靠近了一看,只见照片左下角有一串数字,原来是拍照日期——十二年前的了。</br> 照片上,站在左边的人脸膛稍黑、个子略高,国字脸;而站在右边的人看上去更帅气些,圆圆的脸上浓密的眉毛和笑得弯弯的眼睛使人看上去更憨厚朴实。</br> 刘恩指着照片上左边的那位告诉他们:“这个是贺师傅贺铁铸,听说他那时有个名号叫‘闪电手’,拳法很快。”</br> 跟着他小声地告诉徐、刘二人:“他脾气虽然有时很臭,但是人挺直爽的,你们别惹他生气就是了。”</br> 随后又指着右边那位:“这个是武师傅武海,你们别看他样子和性情都很温顺,他的腿功可厉害了,年轻时有个名号叫‘金刚腿’,一脚下去,手臂粗的铁管都能很轻松地踹弯。他是贺师傅的同门师兄,不过脾气比贺师傅好多了,经常会跟我们开开玩笑,所以大家都比较喜欢他。”</br> “师傅来了!”过了一会,有个小师弟轻轻叫了一声。</br> 于是两人连忙回过头去。</br> 只见门口站着两个三十四、五岁、穿着运动服的男人。跟照片上相比,两个人都胖了,只是一个身材依旧健壮,神情稍稍带些严肃;另一个则像是中年发福了,肚腩微腆,但脸上笑容可掬,显得更平易近人。</br> 徐光华看得出来,那个身材比较胖、脸上带着温和笑容的应该就是刘恩所说的武师傅,另一个自然是贺师傅。</br> 想不到武师傅胖了之后更好看。</br> 不知怎么地,徐光华忽然想起了早上在湖滨公园里打太极拳的那个中年胖子。</br> “小乐,集合整队。”武师傅对高晓乐吩咐说。</br> “是,师傅!”高晓乐答应了一声,然后面向场馆,对所有人喊了一声:“集合!”</br> 很快的,二十几名大小学员都排成了三排,徐、刘二人不敢怠慢,也一丝不苟地跟着队伍站好。</br> “嗯,今天是新学年的第一节课,哦,今天多了好几张新面孔呢。好了,现在开始点名,有没点到名的,等会高晓乐负责把名字报上来!”接着贺师傅脸色一正,拿出本花名册,翻开:“高晓乐!”</br> “到!”</br> “刘恩!”</br> “到!”</br> “陈兆嘉!”</br> “到!”</br> “邱天河!”</br> “到!”</br> ……</br> 很快名字就念完了,但是没有点到徐光华和刘汉斌两人。两个人对视了一眼,心里有些惴惴不安。</br> “师傅,今天有六个新来的师弟没点到名字。”这时高晓乐举了举手。</br> “哦,叫什么名字?”贺师傅点了点头,抬眼扫了一下徐、刘等新来参加训练的人。</br> “刘汉斌。”</br> “你呢?”贺师傅在本子上写了下来。</br> “徐光华。”徐光华清楚地回答。忽然,他感受到另一个目光正向他看了过来。</br> 两眼一对,正是那个笑容可掬、又胖又壮实的武师傅。</br> 不知道为什么,徐光华一接触到武师傅的视线,竟然生出一种亲切的感觉。</br> 武师傅笑眯眯地对他点了点头。</br> 补充完花名册后,贺师傅让学员们先去换衣服。</br> 徐、刘二人还没有领散打服,只好站在原地。</br> 武师傅对他们几个新学员招呼说:“跟我过来。”</br> 徐、刘等人跟着他走到另一个用来做仓库的小房间,随后武师傅问了各人的身材,拿出几套散打背心及短裤。</br> 刘汉斌要了红色和黑色的各一套,徐光华则是挑了红色和蓝色的。</br> 当徐、刘二人换好背心、短裤出来,所有的学员已经在两位师傅的带领下开始做热身运动了。</br> 两位师傅也都换上了短裤和背心。</br> 比起已经有了肚腩的武师傅,贺师傅的身材保持得更好些。</br> 但有意无意地,徐光华的目光总是会在武师傅的身上游走。</br> 其实武师傅的身材早已不复当年,跟照片上的他比起来,整个人都已胖了一大圈,但落在徐光华的眼中,却是多了几分独特的魅力。</br> 两位师傅带着徒弟们开始做叉腰转胯动作,徐光华的心中却引发了一阵急速的跳动。</br> 因为他的目光正落在了武师傅的大腿上,那两条大腿是那么的粗硕有力,无需想像便能知道他那曾被冠以“金刚腿”之称的右腿有多大的杀伤力。不过徐光华看的并不是这个,而是武师傅那火红色的散打短裤下,他的老二正随着武师傅腰身一挺一旋而很明显鼓囊出的裆部,尤其是在他做挺腹旋腰的动作时,那圆滑的臀部和极为明显的前裆让徐光华不由自主地颤抖。</br> 他想要把目光从武师傅身上移开,却发觉根本做不到。</br> 武师傅的身体就像一块神奇的大磁铁,将他的视线死死地吸引住了。</br> 这使得徐光华惊恐地发现到内心深处的另一个自己,那一瞬间,身体内的某处开始了颤抖的萌芽……</br> </p>

Author: 佚名 100tk

v39560 Oct 24, 2023

Erotic Story: Sarah

<p>PDF erotic story, 2703 words. In This Story Teenager Sarah is seduced by her Mum and Dads friends.</p> <p>Some paragraphs taken from the story: My name is Sarah. I’m a schoolgirl living in a small village in England. I became aware of my sexuality at a young age when my breasts started developing. I loved how suddenly all the boys started paying me attention. I’m not the prettiest of girls but I’m not bad looking. I soon started getting sexually excited when the boys looked at my tits. The more they looked, the more I liked it. When one of them asked for a feel, I readily agreed. I loved it. Especially as some of the older ones really knew what to do and played with my nipples. Shortly after I started masturbating. Soon I was doing it every night in bed and sometimes before I got up for school. I also noticed how one our neighbours, Mike a friend of Mum and Dads took every opportunity to have a look down my top. Although he was in his late 30s and certainly old enough to be my Dad, I liked the thought that maybe I was exciting him. Whenever we bumped into each other in the village we stopped and chatted. Mike always flirted with me, which turned me on and if I saw him, I would always undo another button on my blouse. I had a few boyfriends, but I didn’t have sex with them although they wanted to. I wanked them off and they fingered me and made me cum. After going out with a boy for a few months I decided I was ready to have sex with him. It was a disaster. All he was interested in was his own satisfaction. He put his cock inside me and came within about a minute, leaving me totally frustrated. As soon as he went home I masturbated and satisfied myself. We carried on seeing each other and he wanted more sex, but I didn’t. So we soon finished. I carried on satisfying myself whenever I could, which was ALL THE TIME. Mike and his wife Sheena were good friends with my Mum and Dad and were always having nights out together. When I knew Mike was coming round I made sure I was always there.</P>

Author: The Tiggler 160tk

v39559 Oct 24, 2023

Erotic Story: Animal passions

<p>PDF format, erotic story, 1010 words with images.</p> <p>The Photoshoot was going well What' next asked The Photographers, Speedy went from the large spacious bedroom cum studio and In a few moments she returned wearing the animal print bra, thong, hold-up stockings and mules.</p> <p>Will This Do She Asked.</p> <p>A few sentences taken from the story: The photo shoot had gone well. Speedy was well and truly in the “zone”. Secretary Sandra was very hot. “How about the animal print stockings” asked Speedy. “Yes, that sounds great” the two eager photographers said almost as one. Speedy went from the large spacious bedroom cum studio into the en-suite to change, allowing the boys a chance for a quick sip of pink champagne. In a few moments she returned wearing the animal print bra, thong, hold-up stockings and mules. “So, will this do?” she asked. “Wow, oh my god.” said Graham… “How about we move into the bathrooms. He sunlight in there is wonderful”. They three of them moved into the en-suite bathroom, which was bathed in rich yellow sunlight. Speedy started to fill the large bath with warm water.</p>

Author: Dyson 160tk

v39557 Oct 24, 2023

Erotic Story: School Reunion Weeken...

<p>PDF format, 2933 words, an erotic story with images: This Is A True Story</p> <p>When I first saw Speedy Bee’s pictures online I knew there instantly there was something special about her. She looks very sexy in her photos and a lot younger than she is. I thought the age she put in her profile was a typing mistake. Her photos had my overactive imagination going . I joined her group and it wasn’t long before I was swapping e-mails with Speedy and her husband. I felt an instant connection with them and found them very easy to get along with. E-mails soon lead to chatting online via MSN messenger. I always enjoyed my chats with them and again found them great people and it was very easy to have good chat with them. Getting to know Speedy a little bit more made her even more attractive and sexy. To me the chats and e-mails were just that. I was not reading into it anything more than that.</p> <p>Then I went a way for a weekend with some mates. To save my embarrassment for being too slow I will cut the story short here. I got home from the weekend away and Speedy asked me if I had enjoyed myself. I told her I did. Then she told me she was at the same place as me and I missed a chance to meet her. I was gobsmacked and didn’t really believe her. I thought she was winding me up. Then she showed me some pictures the proved beyond doubt she and her husband had been at the same place as me. If I wasn’t so slow I would have realised before I went away for the weekend she would be there. I was really sorry to have missed the chance to have met her and her husband.</p> <p>After more weeks of chatting online it became inevitable we would all meet one day. I felt like I had known Speedy and her hubby for years. Some of our chats via MSN had been of a sexual nature. I had learnt one of Speedies fantasies was to have three cocks to play with. One night Speedy and her husband told me they had booked another weekend away. They invited me to join them. As I knew Speedy had a fantasy to have three cocks at once I asked if they would mind if a mate joined me. I was (wrongly) a little bit worried that if I went alone and for some reason we did not get on I would be left alone. Bringing a mate gave Speedy her third cock and also took any pressure she may have felt off her. This way we could all just meet up and see what develops. No pressure from or to either side.</p> <p>I quickly got agreement from my mate that he would love to go with me for the weekend. We logged online and booked our accommodation. I carried on chatting to Speedy and her hubby online. The more I got to know them the more I knew we would all have a great weekend. I felt a great connection with them. We teased each other about what we were going to get up to during the weekend. This added to both our excitement. However we both agreed there was no pressure or guarantees anything would definitely happen. We agreed to meet and see what develops.</p>

Author: The Tiggler 200tk

v29179 Feb 17, 2023


<p>熊熊情色小说:民工父子</p> <p>字数:167249;页数:107;解压后为txt文件</p> <p>第一章:我家有头大猛牛<br /> 我出生在南方的一个农村里,村子四面环山,绿水悠悠。<br /> 在农村里,我们的生活全靠庄稼,以及家里的顶梁柱外出打工赚点钱回来维持生活,我们这样的生活谈不上富裕,但是大家都活得很开心,平时虽然都很忙,但我们从来不觉得这样的生活很艰难,相反的,在这种平淡又朴实的日常生活中,我们总能找到只属于我们农民的乐趣。<br /> 说到乐趣这个词,大家肯定都会理解为:快乐、感兴趣的事情…….<br /> 但是在我们村里,乐趣这个东西似乎并不像书中或电视上说的那么淳朴,如果男人的乐趣是找女人寻开心,大家最少也只是说说,当个笑话就过去了。可是当村里的女人们闲暇时总喜欢讨论男人,而且嘴里总是会说一些让人听了面红耳赤的话语时,这个乐趣就变味了……<br /> 我是1980年出生的,出生的时候因为胎位不正,妈妈难产了,不过所幸的是最终我们母子都平安,只是那个时候的医疗条件很限,妈妈从此落下了病根,身体总是病恹恹的。<br /> 爸爸每每提起这事情就用责备的眼神看着我,我从小就调皮,总是给他惹事,他每次教训我的时候总是会这样对我说:“打娘胎里就开始调皮,你是不是想气死老子,老子被你害惨了知道吗?”<br /> 爸爸虽然老凶我,但是他却从来不舍得打我,因为我知道其实他很疼我,他说的这句话,对于当时只有五岁的我其实是听得懂的,我每次去外面玩,村里的妇人坐在一起就会谈论一些让我们小孩子听不懂的话:<br /> “看见什么了?”<br /> “别装傻了,昨天翠莲(我妈妈的名字)不是叫我们早上去她家帮忙做鞋垫吗?你们没看见趟在床上的大牛(爸爸的名字,不过爸爸叫龚尚阳,大牛是村里人给他取的外号,他这个外号是有缘故的,我们后面再介绍)…….”<br /> “你是说她家大牛胯下的那个吧…..”<br /> “嗯嗯…..竖起来这么一大条搭在肚子上,可真吓人啊…….一看就知道翠莲没满足他…..”<br /> “别乱说了,大清早的,男人不都是那样吗?潘婶,你家男人早上难道不是这样?嘻嘻……”<br /> “别瞎说….我家男人好着呢…..昨晚我还好好的用了一番,差点爽的我今天下不了床…….”<br /> 这个叫潘婶的女人,是我们村子里出了名的大嘴,她这个大嘴不是包不住秘密,而是她没事就喜欢在村子里到处乱说,只见她神秘兮兮的看了看四周,虽然她的嗓门很大,虽然她早已看见我了和一群小伙伴就在她旁边玩耍,但她一副我什么也不懂的表情看了看我,然后压低声音接着说:“不过话说来,大牛那牛子是真大啊,翠莲要是满足他了,怎么可能会那么坚挺?”<br /> 一旁的刘婶听了她的话,不仅忍不住的笑了起来:“我说你一个妇道人家的,这几天你们家的男人从工地回来,莫不是没满足你?看到人家大牛的牛子,你发痒了?”<br /> 刘婶是我家隔壁,平时与我妈妈走得很近,虽然平时没少说我爸爸的荤段子,他家男人跟我爸在一个工地干活,两家关系还算不错。<br /> 潘婶听了刘婶的话,一脸不屑的看着刘婶问道:“他家男人难道你就没有眼馋过?上次你还说‘不小心’瞧见了他胯下的那一大沱呢,你以为我会相信你真的是不小心看见的?”<br /> 潘婶这话一说出口,周围的几个妇人瞬间忍不住的笑出了声来,笑了一会儿,围在一旁的李婶突然打断了他们:“孩子孩子旁边呢,你们注意点……”<br /> 潘婶听了李婶的话,一脸不屑的看了我一眼:“小屁孩听见了也没事,他懂个屁……”<br /> 她嘴上虽然这么说,但是还是安静的低下了头去开始拉鞋底,这是我们这里的习俗,每年的夏天大家在农忙完后,闲暇之时大家就会聚在一起躲在树荫下唠唠嗑,顺便多做几双鞋垫,等冬天的棉花收成了,方便给家人做几双棉鞋,我们这里一到冬天就会很冷,而且还会下雪,所以冬天棉鞋棉裤棉衣都是少不了的。<br /> 其实这些话,小时候我也会回家跟妈妈说,妈妈听了总是会拍拍我的头,让我少去听这些人的聊天,对我不好。其实我也不知道哪里不好,不过有一点我倒是能确定,那就是她们那群妇人谈及我爸爸时,总是会用‘大’这个词来形容他,我也很喜欢她们这样说爸爸,因为我觉得这样形容爸爸是一种崇拜和夸赞。<br /> 我在村子里经常跟小伙伴吵嘴打架,每次我打不过她们时,就喊着叫我爸来揍他们,这个时候他们总是会被吓得撒腿就跑……<br /> 这群妇人都以为我小不懂事,其实她们说的话我都懂,妈妈因为身体不好,很早以前就跟爸爸分床睡了,爸爸虽然经常会偷偷的爬上妈妈的床,但是又经常会被妈妈赶出来,有时候爸爸就会气鼓鼓的回到床上把我抱在怀里,然后把我的小手抓着伸进他的裤裆里面,我每次都能摸到一根跟我的小手臂差不多粗壮的‘小手臂’,而且它总是热乎乎的还一翘一翘的跟我招手打招呼,小时候的我不懂这是什么,不过我总是很喜欢抓在手里把玩一会儿,然后睡意来袭的时候就抱着它睡觉。<br /> 现在我开始醒事了,有些事情我也开始懂了,不过我依然每天在睡觉的时候会主动把手伸进爸爸的裤裆里抓着那根总喜欢跟我打招呼的‘小手臂’玩在一起。有时候爸爸睡着了,可我却没有睡意的时候,于是我总是会很调皮的玩那只‘小手臂’,而那只‘小手臂’经常会被我‘玩哭’,并且从那个可爱的小嘴巴里会流出来好好多的液体,‘哭’得我满手都是…….<br /> 小时候我对什么都好奇,我对感兴趣的东西都喜欢往嘴里塞…..我以为‘小手臂’哭了,但是感觉那液体又不像眼泪,于是我好奇的把沾在我小手上的粘稠液体伸进嘴里品尝了一下,味道怪怪的,但我能肯定那不是眼泪,因为我尝过我的眼泪,味道干涩发苦让我很不喜欢,这个液体味道明显和眼泪的味道不一样,我突然感觉它很像牛奶,而且我感觉这个东西可以吃,因为我并不反感这个味道,于是我开心的把小手沾着那奇怪的液体往嘴里送,结果爸爸醒来后惊慌的阻止了我:“你在吃什么?”<br /> 我一脸开心的对爸爸说:“吃这个…..真好吃……”  <br /> 我一边说,一边用手指着他肚子上那大量的液体,他瞬间明白了过来,马上伸出手阻止了我:“傻瓜,这东西可不能吃……快吐出来…..脏…..”<br /> 我一看他要阻止我,我马上哭闹起来:“呜…..不…..我要吃…..我就要吃……”<br /> 我的声音有点大,马上吵醒了隔壁的妈妈,妈妈在隔壁喊了声:“恒儿怎么了?干嘛哭啦,是不是你爸欺负你了?”<br /> 我听到妈妈的声音,马上像找到了救星一样,爸爸天不怕地不怕,可唯独就怕妈妈,妈妈平时爱我像宝一样,一听见她的声音,我马上带着哭声对着那边喊道:“呜呜….爸爸不让我吃好吃的…..呜呜……”<br /> 那边的妈妈不知道这边的情况,语气有些不开心的对着我们这边喊道:“你有什么好吃的就让孩子吃呗…….大半夜的你馋他干嘛?”<br /> 爸爸这边一副欲言又止的样子,最后他只能无奈的拍了拍我的头,然后压低声音,一脸威严的表情对我说:“臭小子,你吃这个东西可以,但要答应我谁也不准说,尤其是妈妈……能明白我的话吗?”<br /> 我见他一副我不答应他就不给我吃的表情,贪嘴的我马上乖巧的点了点头:“嗯….我不说…烂肚子里…….”<br /> 见我答应了,爸爸脸上一副复杂的表情躺了下来,而我趴在他身上像个小狗一样在他肚子上乱舔…….<br /> 妈妈那边见我们这边没了动静,也不再多说话了,似乎又进入了梦想。<br /> 后来这事情成了我们父子之间的秘密,我对谁都没有说过,而且每当爸爸和我睡觉的时候,我总是会很调皮的把他胯下的那只奇怪的‘小手’弄哭,然后我在趴在他身上像小狗一样舔食,时间一久,这种事情居然不知不觉中成了我们生活中的一个习惯…….: <br /> 爸爸的身体是我们村子里最魁梧的一个,在那个机械还很落后的年代,大家种庄稼都得用牛,可我们家因为妈妈的身体不好,没有多余的精力去养牛,于是这庄稼刨地的活在我们家成了个纯人工活,别人家耕地都是用牛,我们家是用我爸,有时候别人家里的牛用完了,也会借我们家用用,但是借不到牛的时候,爸爸只能亲自当牛来耕地,于是村里人给他取了个外号叫:大牛。<br /> 小时候我还总是纳闷,爸爸明明是个人,大家怎么都喜欢叫他大牛…….! <br /> 直到我开始上学读书后,从同学们的口中知道了一些事情,我才知道了一些关于男人身体结构的事情,原来爸爸的胯下不是‘小手臂’,而是男人的生殖器,有的人也叫他:肉棒、JB、牛子…….<br />  </p> <p> </p>

Author: Anonymous 100tk

v29173 Feb 17, 2023


<p>熊熊情色小说:煤矿淫之路</p> <p>字数:302320;页数:219;解压后为txt文件</p> <p> </p> <p>第一章  </p> <p>赵大钢才进门,就看见儿子耷拉着一张脸在生气,老婆在厨房乒乒乓乓地弄晚饭,赵大钢正好听到她的话尾巴:“……我管不了你找你爸去!”<br /> “啥事又找我啊?”赵大钢乐呵呵地钻进厨房,老婆正忙得一头大汗,见他进来,没好气说:“你那宝贝儿子要参加什么篮球比赛,打球就打呗,还买什么球衣!”赵大钢摸摸口袋,里面是刚发的夜班补助。“要不……给他买一身?”他看看老婆。老婆瞪了他一眼:“哪儿来的钱?咱妈医院里还欠着一屁股债呢!”赵大钢的母亲摔伤了腰,在医院里已经住了一个多月,前天老婆从医院回来后就一直黑着脸,8000块!几乎是赵大钢和老婆一年的收入!一提这事,男人就闷了。医院的钱不结,老娘就出不了院,而且继续住下去一天就要算一天的钱。<br /> 为了让老婆高兴,赵大钢把那几张钞票递了过去: “给。”老婆接过来数了数,看了他一眼:“你上个月下了24天井,一天6块,这才134。”赵大钢只好把口袋里那两张五元钞票拿出来,嘿嘿的干笑了两声。老婆拿过去,过了一会把那四块零钞塞过来。赵大钢一高兴,在老婆丰满的胸脯上捏了一把。“死人!”老婆打了他一巴掌,朝外面努努嘴,示意儿子在。<br /> 饭菜上桌,儿子扫了一眼,却不动筷子。老婆吃了两口,瞧着儿子:“又咋了?”儿子说:“怎么一点荤的都没有?”老婆声音一下高了:“荤菜?想吃荤的自己去挣,咱家就只能吃这个!”赵大钢连忙说:“冰箱里好象还有两根火腿肠。”<br /> 儿子就着火腿肠吃了两口,眼圈就红了。赵大钢心里堵堵的,儿子已经16岁了,看上去壮实得跟牛犊子一样,平常又在学校篮球队打球,饭量本来就大,又是长身体的年纪,家里的素菜当然不会对胃口。本来话多的老婆也不说话,她一不说话就是心里有气。果然,晚饭后收拾停当,儿子进了自己的房间,老婆把卧室房门一关,就坐在床头不说话。<br /> 赵大钢拿起张报纸,看了半天什么也没看进去。听见老婆喂了一声,他连忙抬起头来。“下个月我弟的儿子满月,儿子要买球衣,哪个不要200块钱,还有妈的帐单,咱哪儿去找那么多钱去?”是啊,哪儿去找那么多钱去?现在煤矿效益滑坡,赵大钢累死累活一个月挣不了600块钱,老婆早就下岗,在街口摆了个卖烟的小摊,一个月也只能挣200块钱,这点钱能管什么用?<br /> “要不,你还是去找张顺去借点应急?”听见女人的话,赵大钢没吭气。女人最见不得他这样,眼睛一瞪声音就高了八度:“你说话啊,你不说话就拿钱出来!”赵大钢闷闷地说:“我去哪儿拿钱?”女人瞪大眼睛看着他,眼泪忽然流了下来。赵大钢最见不得女人哭,女人一哭他就看见她的眼角有了几分明显的皱纹,当年她可是煤矿数出着的漂亮女人,跟他17年说起来也没过几天好日子。“你哭什么?别哭了,啊,快别哭。”他笨手笨脚地安慰她。<br /> “每次让你去借钱你都是这样,我知道,你要面子,但是张顺以前是你徒弟,哪次家里有困难不是他帮忙?你不去借咱妈就一直呆在医院里?”老婆啜泣着说。一提到老娘,赵大钢没辄了,心一横:“我去,我去还不成吗!”说着就走出了门。<br /> 走在去张顺家的路上,赵大钢心里有说不出的别扭,如果不是老娘的病,他是死活不会再去找张顺的。<br /> 张顺是他十年前在煤矿收的徒弟,那时张顺还不到二十岁,还是白白净净一后生,跟他这样一身蛮力浑身都是疙瘩肉的矿工不大一样。赵大钢没少照顾他,张顺家里穷,赵大钢还把自己的几身旧衣服送给了他。张顺脑子特灵,别人花两三个小时才能出一车煤,张顺自己琢磨的土办法一个半小时就可以出一车,那时候师徒俩关系好得跟一家人一样。不过几年后张顺就辞了职,到深圳下海去了,再过了几年张顺回来,居然在城里开了一家规模不小的酒店,已经完全没有当年的窘迫。而赵大钢还呆在煤矿,但这时煤矿的效益已经一年不如一年,他也不是没想过换工作,但是他初中毕业就在煤矿工作,除了一身力气外什么都没有,只有继续当他的矿工。这几年赵大钢家日子难过,没少找张顺借钱,张顺从来都是“师傅师傅”地叫他,说借多少就借多少,也不催着让他还,算起来前前后后一共也有4000多块了。<br /> 快走到张顺的酒店了,赵大钢犹豫起来。上次,大概两个月前吧,也是找张顺借钱,张顺把钱给他后硬要留他吃饭喝酒。赵大钢推辞不掉就留了下来,他本来就没什么酒量,几杯下去就脸红脖子粗的。张顺的酒量也不行,没多久就醉得直往赵大钢怀里倒。他攀着赵大钢的肩膀,笑嘻嘻地说:“师傅……你这样的日子徒弟可……可看不下去了,不如另外找个工作,保你……吃穿不愁!”<br /> 赵大钢苦笑着:“你师傅啥本事没有,就这副身板,谁肯要咱啊!”张顺嘿嘿笑着,拍着赵大钢鼓鼓的胸脯:“师傅,谁……谁说没人要?别人不要……我要!”赵大钢只当他喝多了胡说,想把他扶起来到床上去。张顺一只手吊在赵大钢的脖子上,另一只手紧紧抱住他的腰,热乎乎的气息直往赵大钢脸上传过来,让他有点不自在。<br /> 到了床边,赵大钢想放下张顺,他却抱得更紧了。“张顺!张顺!”张顺睁眼看看他:“师傅……”一双眼睛水汪汪的看着他。赵大钢用力想拿下他挂在自己脖子上的手,张顺却突然把脸凑过来,一张热烘烘的嘴在赵大钢脸上重重地亲了一口。赵大钢恶心了一下:“张顺,你干什么!”张顺嘿嘿笑着说:“师傅,你让我再亲一下……我……我给你钱。”<br /> 赵大钢一听这话,觉得像吞了只苍蝇:“张顺,你把你师傅当成什么人?!”说着手一用力,把张顺丢在床上就要走。张顺抓住他衣角:“师傅……你何必那么死性呢……嘿嘿,反正让我亲一下你又不少什么。”赵大钢气得一甩手就往外走:“你……真是疯了!”</p> <p>第二章</p> <p>赵大钢虽然没什么文化,但不是个笨人,难怪张顺已经30岁了却一直不肯结婚。他在张顺酒店门口踯躅了片刻,心里一直在掂量。他知道这一进去,有些事情肯定会不可避免的发生,他是个男人,是个有老婆有儿子堂堂正正的大男人,但是……正在这是,酒店的迎宾小姐看见他:“赵师傅,你找我们总经理么?”<br /> 赵大钢来不及思考什么,就被小姐带到一个套间。“总经理,赵师傅来了。”说完就带上门退了出去。西装革履的张顺正坐在办公桌前,笑眯眯地看着赵大钢:“师傅,您来了。”<br /> 赵大钢被张顺直勾勾的目光瞧得有点不自在,自己本来比张顺高大,现在好象却成了他面前的一盘菜。“嘿,张顺,最近家里又出了点事情……”赵大钢说着,脸不知怎么烧了起来,“想找你……应应急。”以前他找张顺借钱,三言两语就解决了问题,这次他却怎么也提不出那个钱字。<br /> 张顺心里不禁有几分得意,那天他喝多了,把自己隐藏了10年的秘密当着师傅的面说了出来,赵大钢夺门而去的时候,他还有些担心,不过后来他很快想明白了,说了也好,让赵大钢心里有谱,而且师傅迟早还会来找他,如果再来那他张顺就占了九成九的把握。果然,现这个让他惦记了十年的师傅不就真的送上门来了么?<br /> 张顺嘿嘿地笑了两声,从抽屉里拿出一个信封递过去:“师傅,不是徒弟多嘴,你何苦为了面子,把好日子白白放过呢?”赵大钢捏捏信封,超乎自己想象的厚,听了张顺的话,心里像打翻了五味瓶。张顺朝他贴近了一步,赵大钢本想躲开,捏着手里的钱,却挪不开步子。张顺见状,胆子大了起来,一只手竟摸上了赵大钢的屁股。赵大钢身子一抖,脸腾地红起来。张顺的手毫不客气地又摸又捏,赵大钢什么时候经过这样的阵仗,哆嗦着朝门口看了一下:“张顺……”张顺哈哈笑道:“师傅,这里没我的允许,谁都不准来。”说着把门反锁了。赵大钢心里还在七上八下,张顺的手却已解开了他的皮带,伸进了男人那茂密的下腹。赵大钢还没有老婆以外的人摸过他那里,而且又是个男人,这种异样的感觉让他身体竟然有些发烫。<br /> 张顺抓住赵大钢的屌:“师傅,你鸡巴怎么这么大?”赵大钢臊得脸红脖子粗:“我……我怎么知道。”张顺撸了几下,赵大钢那根鸡巴就硬了起来,像条粗粗的棍子。张顺把赵大钢按在办公桌上,一把把赵大钢的裤子扯了下去。赵大钢本想阻拦,但想起信封里的钱,那阻拦反而变成了无力的挣扎,令张顺格外兴奋。<br /> “师傅……徒弟我想了你好多年……让我尝一下……”说着竟将赵大钢的屌含进了嘴里,赵大钢从来没被人含过鸡巴,连老婆也没有过,那种滋味让他浑身发抖,没几下就在张顺的指引下冲到了高峰:“啊……啊……”精液射了张顺一脸,自己小腹上也有很多。<br /> 张顺看着羞臊不安的赵大钢,嘿嘿笑了两声,将他反过身去,背对着自己。赵大钢的屁股因为长期体力活的关系显得健壮饱满,令张顺忍不住吞了两下口水。赵大钢只觉张顺的手指摸进了自己最隐秘最羞耻的地方,臊得不行:“张顺,你饶了你师傅吧……”张顺嘿嘿笑道:“师傅刚刚我让你爽过了,你还没让我爽呢。”不去理他,将精液涂在了赵大钢的屁眼上,掏出自己早已硬得邦邦硬的鸡巴,就捅了过去。<br /> 赵大钢啊地叫了一声,一根肉棍已经借助精液的润滑捅进了自己身体,他疼得浑身冒汗,张顺却觉得爽得不行:“师傅,你这里真紧。”一边说一边弄,还用手去抓赵大钢已经软了的鸡巴。赵大钢趴在办公桌上,肛门处又疼又涨,被张顺弄的几乎有了便意。“张顺……不要弄了,我……我快要拉出来了……”<br /> 张顺笑道:“师傅,你放松一下就会觉得好的多,放心,你是拉不出来的。”赵大钢只得咬牙忍耐,本已软下去的鸡巴竟又被张顺撸硬了。张顺的鸡巴不断往赵大钢的深处弄,赵大钢被弄的头晕眼花,身上全都是汗。好半天才听见张顺啊啊地叫了两声,朝赵大钢身上挺了几下,气喘吁吁地停了下来。<br />  </p>

Author: 蒙面裁缝 100tk

v21472 Aug 13, 2022

中文短篇故事 迷奸校长 Chinese short...

<p>中文短篇故事 迷奸校长 txt 格式 3500字,Chinese short story Rape drugged headmaster, txt format, 3500 words</p> <p>摘录:我一下子就有了冲动。连忙把水递给他,说,先喝点水,先喝点水。 校长接过杯子一口饮尽,然后风衣也不脱鞋也不换就躺在床上,说,休息,休息一下。 我心里暗暗窃喜。 5分钟后,校长想起来,却发现自己动也动不了。 阿龙,我动不了了,快帮帮我!他说。 呵呵,我笑,校长,你动的了才怪呢。你试试,我保证你连一根手指头都动不成。 你,什么意思?你刚刚给我喝了什么? 才反应过来,校长,我早对你有意思了,终于有这个机会能让我好好享受一下你的身体了。我说。 我走过去,把他的身体摆正在床上,让他的两条腿在床边自然下垂。 你,你别动我! 我笑,现在也不由你了~! 我跪在床头,脱掉了他的皮鞋,他穿着黑色的尼龙袜,看上去特别性感,而且没有什么异味,只有略微的汗味刺激着我的性欲。</p>

Author: szw 40tk

v21461 Aug 13, 2022

(中文短篇小说) 强奸物理老师 (Story)...

<p>(简体中文短篇小说) 强奸物理老师 txt格式 3085字 (Story) Sexual Assault of Physics Teacher, 3085 words, txt format</p> <p>摘录:我替校长说,是这样的,李老师你很合适我的胃口,所以我和校长商量想把你弄到手,成为我的收藏品之一。 李老师看了看我,又看了看校长,似乎不明白我的意思。 说白了,就是想操你。 这下他明白了,脸顿时通红,生气的说道,这是什么意思?侮辱我?还是开玩笑?如果是开玩笑那么我不能容忍这种下流的玩笑…… 谁跟你开玩笑啊,我说,走到他身后,一脚踢在他有毛病的腿上,他立刻躺倒在地呻吟起来。我走上去,用绳子捆住了他的手。 我和校长合力把他抬到了床上,然后我又用绳子分开将他的双脚捆在床头。 李老师眼中流露出了恐慌的神色,我笑着说,你喊吧,不过你想想如果别人知道你别两个男人强奸,以后你还能活么? 李老师流下了屈辱的泪水。</p>

Author: szw 20tk

v19739 Jun 14, 2022

Fiction: 2038 A.D.

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"<strong>In memory of Walter Lojewski</strong>" by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>15655 words, English language</p> <p>This stories are NOT for the faint-hearted, it is about mature chubby men getting abused and humiliated.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby men getting humiliated, abused and being put to death, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention of publishing these stories is making friends with like-minded guys around the world, please get in touch with us if you want to exchange and share.</p> <br /> <P>Some paragraphs from the story:</p> <p>Background: People are doing well this year. There is full employment, the economy is stable, poverty and disease have been defeated. It all started sometime around 2018. A worldwide movement of young people had established itself who were no longer willing to subordinate the earth's climate to economic constraints. At the beginning of the 2020s, a new type of virus that spread explosively across the world claimed millions of lives. Many governments did not react very confidently during this time and so there were profound upheavals in the following years. In stable countries this was done through elections in which political forces were redistributed. In dictatorships and countries without a stable democracy, there were violent overturns in which the old rulers were killed and often publicly executed or disappeared into their own prisons. Since the new governments all pursued the same ecological goal, there was soon a close cooperation between the countries and there were agreements that had never been thought possible before. ... Slowly stroking his penis, Andrew imagines the butcher's fear. The neck slowly swells due to the narrow ring. The pressure on the throat increases and the tongue becomes thicker and thicker in his mouth, until it finally fills the mouth almost completely and he only makes rattling noises. The people who are now allowed to look at the four men at close range stop by the butcher again and again and laugh at the grunts he is forced to make in order to get some air in his lungs. Andrew imagines how time goes by and how the men find it harder and harder to stand up straight. They start to sweat, breath deeply and try to move a little to get a little relief of the pain crawling up their backs and into the knees. The mayor and the pastor have strong erections through exertion and shame. The uniformed men make sure that the two neither try to hide them, nor that the spectators try to touch the erect penises. If one simply takes note of the lack of an erection with the bishop after the duration of the display, the sheriff is only laughed at because of the piece of skin hanging down small and limp under his belly. .... </p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 60tk

v19645 Jun 12, 2022

Fiction: In memory of Walter Lojews...

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"<strong>In memory of Walter Lojewski Ver 2.0</strong>" by Victor</p> <p>1994 words, English language</p> <p>This stories are NOT for the faint-hearted, it is about mature chubby men getting abused and slaughtered, extreme graphic.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby men getting humiliated, abused and being put to death, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention of publishing these stories is making friends with like-minded guys around the world, please get in touch with us if you want to exchange and share.</p> <br /> <P>Some paragraphs from the story:</p> <p>Background: An unexplained virus is responsible for the deaths of all domestic animals, and the disease has now spread to every country in the world. Wild animals are becoming increasingly difficult to find. Young children and newborns are particularly susceptible to malnutrition and hunger when there is an inadequate supply of animal protein. The elderly obese population is being encouraged to make the selfless sacrifice of becoming a source of meat for future generations. ... At the desire of the veteran, the termination was carried out via a normal asphyxiation operation; other usual procedures include beheading and hanging, which are frequently accompanied by castrations. Needless to say, chemical injection was not permitted. Family members stood calmly in front of a one-sided floor mirror, watching the process. Walter had been stripped naked and hung upside down from a rail, his pinkish pale skin and stocky figure resembling a well-fed pig going to be butchered. Walter seemed to be unmoving. The stuff told the family that Walter was alive in there, that he had only been rendered unconscious to relieve the pain, and that he was breathing based on the motions of his protruding abdomen.... </p>

Author: Victor 40tk

v19644 Jun 12, 2022

Fiction: In memory of the senior ci...

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"<strong>In memory of the senior citizens</strong>" by Victor</p> <p>5344 words, English language</p> <p>This stories are NOT for the faint-hearted, it is about mature chubby men getting abused and slaughtered, extreme graphic.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby men getting humiliated, abused and being put to death, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention of publishing these stories is making friends with like-minded guys around the world, please get in touch with us if you want to exchange and share.</p> <br /> <P>Some paragraphs from the story:</p> <p>Background: An unexplained virus is responsible for the deaths of all domestic animals, and the disease has now spread to every country in the world. Wild animals are becoming increasingly difficult to find. Young children and newborns are particularly susceptible to malnutrition and hunger when there is an inadequate supply of animal protein. The elderly obese population is being encouraged to make the selfless sacrifice of becoming a source of meat for future generations. ... The volunteers had the freedom to pick the method, time, and location of their own processing. Denuding was necessary due to the fact that stripping a guy naked and forcing him to expose himself dehumanises the individual. Castration was another essential practise that could take place either live or post-mortem, depending on the preferences of the volunteer. In the process of turning a human being into a meat product, this was an essential stage in the transformation. The vast majority of veterans express a desire to have their testicles and genitalia amputated throughout the course of their ejaculations. This would not only reduce the misery, but it would also increase the commercial value of the film works, which could then be sold to generate income that could be used to pay for the meat trade with other nations... </p> <br /> <p>The live event was broadcast in front of a packed delegation from his church, which was watching it on television. After praying in front of the cross, Rushmov stood up and stripped naked in front of the cameras, so revealing his enormous naked figure to the entirety of the country. Because the programme was geared for adults and would have contained content that was inappropriate for youngsters, the genitalia of the guy had to be edited out of the live broadcast. The fact that the crowd was there for the entirety of the presentation rendered the filtering irrelevant. Rushmov was hanging from a two-meter high rail by his neck, both arms outstretched, and he virtually resembled Jesus on the cross, only his legs were forced open wide and fastened by traps, and his genitals were exposed and vulnerable. The scene was then joined by a naked middle-aged man wearing a mask, along with a butcher wearing a black rubber apron and wielding a long blade. The man approached Rushmov stealthily from behind and began sodomising the Mayor. The butcher moved swiftly, forcing the long blade into the bound man's ...</p> <br />

Author: Victor 40tk

v19558 Jun 10, 2022

Fiction: Sleeping Beauty

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"<strong>Sleeping Beauty</strong>" by Victor</p> <p>4263 words, English language</p> <p>This stories are NOT for the faint-hearted, it is about mature chubby men getting abused and slaughtered, extreme graphic.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby men getting humiliated, abused and being put to death, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention of publishing these stories is making friends with like-minded guys around the world, please get in touch with us if you want to exchange and share.</p> <br /> <P>Some paragraphs from the story:</p> <p>The man’s distinguished lips was on the darker side of red and was rubbed against the groin just right below his own scrotum containing two large-sized testicles, the sack itself was covered with mixture of dark gray and white hair. Had he been alive, he would have been able to smell and taste the murkiness of his own crotch. The erection of the deceased man was still going strong to some degree. The penis, which was short in length but large in circumference, was positioned at a slight inclination and pointed upwards at the nose. Since the man had not undergone a circumcision, his foreskin would only partially cover his glans. The foreskin was pushed back behind the corona in order to expose the glans to their maximum extent for the camera. In the stage of post-ejaculation, the glans itself was gleaming and displayed a darker purple tone, it was still swollen with blood. At the very end of the urethra, there was a milky fluid that hung like a droplet. </p> <br /> <p>Then the brothers got up, and they began to remove the sleeping man's clothing one article at a time. The way that they were doing it was delicate, in contrast to the methods used by the majority of the other butchers that Andrew had seen. Those butchers preferred shape tools such as knives or scissors, which were quick and brutal. Some customers may prefer the "barbaric" overtone. The button was carefully removed by the twin one at a time. To remove the man's clothing without causing any harm to it, the obese man was rolled over and back, and at various times, his upper body was elevated into a sit-up position. This was done to avoid ripping the fabric. Andrew observed that the twins were enjoying the operation so much that they had erections hidden under their aprons.</p> <br />

Author: Victor 40tk

v19528 Jun 10, 2022

Fiction: Siberian House

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"<strong>Siberian House</strong>" by Victor</p> <p>4050 words, English language</p> <p>This stories are NOT for the faint-hearted, it is about mature chubby men getting castrated, abused and slaughtered, extreme graphic.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby men getting humiliated, abused and being put to death, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention of publishing these stories is making friends with like-minded guys around the world, please get in touch with us if you want to exchange and share.</p> <br /> <P>Some paragraphs from the story:</p> <p>Andrew was present and witnessed the entire event. The ring's accomplices, or members, were mostly overweight men with bellies; eight of them were excessively obese, and they were butchered in the 120kg plus hall, while the other four were slaughtered in a separate 90 - 12 kg hall. Two members of parliament, a bishop of the church, five prominent business leaders, and four high-ranking military commanders, three Colonels, and one General, were among those arrested. The executions were carried out at the same time. the 120kg+ hall was packed with dozens of people, Andrew recalled. The overweight men were all stripped completely naked. When the garments were gone, were gone, they were reduced to fattened "cattles" to be butchered, with little dignity or humanity remaining. They were tightly bound like sausages and transported into the hall on wheeled carts. They were taken off the trolleys and forced to lie flat on the concrete floor with their fat stomachs facing up in between two rows of metal pipes. The far end of the pipes were screwed into place on the floor. The guards seized the men’s ankles and yanked then back down so that the round-headed and greased points of the pipes were directly against their anuses. The pipes entered through the rings of sphincters and into the rectums of the bound men, who screamed loudly as the metal pipes invaded their bodies. The guards continued by securing their ankles. </p> <br /> <p>Mr. Bagayov had curly grey hair on his chest and upper back, with a lot of it in his crotch. He was hanged by the neck under a meat hook that revolved continuously and slowly clockwise, the suspension was for show and humiliation, soft pads were placed around the neck to alleviate the strangulation, he didn't die but he struggled to breathe. He had an uncontrollable erection, which added to his shame.</p> <br />

Author: Victor 40tk

v17801 Apr 29, 2022

中文小说和插画 被施暴的肥肉 Atrocit...

<p><strong>中文情色暴力小说,约两万字,附三张高清插画,有毛和无毛版</strong></p> <p><strong>NOTE: This is an erotic story in Chinese language with some bonus arts. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"<strong>被施暴的肥肉 Atrocities on fat meat</strong>" by Tian Xiang</p> <p>文章含有大量的针对肥胖老年人的色情暴力和死亡描写,不适合心脏脆弱的人阅读,请谨慎购买,恕不退款</p> <P>节选</p> <p>王莽⼀⼿扒开苏员外肥厚的腚沟,另⼀只⼿接住从苏员外后庭慢慢流出的精 液。来到老⼈面前,单⼿掐住苏老员外肥软的两腮,迫使老⼈张开嘴巴,迅速的将⼿ 上那⼀摊精液抹进了苏员外嘴里,捂着苏员外的嘴巴,不让他吐出来。 苏员外只感觉嘴里有⼀摊粘稠撒发着腥臭味的液体,才意识到这是刚才射进自 ⼰后庭的精液,苏员外“呜呜∼”的挣扎着,可惜王莽强⽽有⼒的⼤⼿让苏员外的努⼒ 悉数化为徒劳的⽆用功。 “咽下去,老肥猪!”王莽用可怕的语⽓命令着。 苏老员外被迫咽了下去。王莽⼀看,轻蔑的笑了⼀声:“这些可是⼤补,⼀般⼈ 我可是不会给的!” 王莽低头越过那肥硕的⼤肚⼦,⼀眼便看到老家伙胯下那根⾁棒,已如⽕腿⼀ 般红粗得吓⼈,上面青筋暴涨,颇有稍稍碰触便会爆发开来的趋势——看来“结扎”的 效果相当不错! 在⽅才的的肛交中,苏老员外因为前列腺被王莽粗⼤的阴茎来回摩 擦⽽产⽣了极为强烈的快感,以⾄于让他勃起,然⽽,⽣殖器根部的线绳“结扎”封堵 了尿道,将精液阻滞于会阴,使其阴茎⽆法正常喷射⽽出,老头⼉只能在焚身的欲⽕ 中煎熬,苦苦不得解脱。 王莽俯下身,将苏员外那颗粉红⾊的⻳头含进嘴里,只觉得这⼝中之物珠圆⽟ 润、实属极品。⼀只⼿伸到苏员外的胯下,把⼀根中指插进老⼈的后庭,因为刚才被 王莽的阴茎侵犯过,老头⼉的直肠壁稍微松弛了⼀些;加之精液的润滑,⼿指可算是 畅通⽆阻。隔着直肠壁,王莽用指尖以上势下地顶在苏员外的前列腺上,不停地对其 进⾏按摩。 老头⼉⼀开始还妄图用定⼒与其对抗,可是没有坚持多久,便招架不住 那强烈的快感,“哦......啊......”地淫叫起来,胯下那根肥粗的阴茎也开始充⾎膨⼤。再 加上舌尖巧妙的摩擦着苏员外的冠状沟。 按摩前列腺和阴茎套弄的组合,对于常⼈ 来讲,乃是极致的快感体验;可对于输精管被临时“结扎”的苏员外⽽⾔,却是不亚于最 痛苦的折磨。 王莽松开苏员外那肥嫩的阴茎,转身抽出⼀旁的佩⼑,径直朝苏员外⾛去。苏 员外顿时感到⼀种死亡的威胁逼向自⼰,老⼈凄厉的呻吟⼀时引起了所有⼈的注意。 王莽把⼑伸到苏员外胯下,将那挂在两个根肥粗的⼤象腿之间的裤⼦从中间切断,俯 身脱去苏员外的鞋袜,再将老⼈的外裤衬裤⼀并扯下</p>

Author: Tian Xiang 100tk

v08234 Dec 27, 2020

The men behind the monitors

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"<strong>The men behind the monitors</strong>" by Victor</p> <p>A 3600 words erotic story in English language, plus 1 illustration as a bonus, courtesy of Bad Kitty</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about mature chubby men getting abused and slaughtered in a slaughter house, very extreme, a complete fantasy.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby men getting humiliated, abused and being put to death, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.</p>

Author: Victor 40tk

v08232 Dec 27, 2020

CEO Fan Zhong 饭塚社长

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an Chinese erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>简体中文性虐中篇小说</p> <p>"饭塚社长" by JJ, 六万二千多字</p> <p>警告:本文情节涉及老胖子暴虐色情,附送一张Badkitty坏猫的插画</p> <p>62800 words erotic story in Chinese language, plus an illustration, courtesy of Bad Kitty.</p>

Author: JJ 120tk

v08231 Dec 27, 2020

Ernst Röhm and Christian Weber - Th...

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>&quot;Ernst R&ouml;hm and Christian Weber - The End of Two Nazis&quot; by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>8600 words erotic story in English language, including some inlined illustrative images, plus an illustration, courtesy of Bad Kitty.</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about chubby Nazi officer&#39;s final day, a complete fantasy. Hanging is the fetish<br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby mature men getting humiliated, abused and being put to death, please do not venture further.</p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 40tk

v08230 Dec 27, 2020

Dr. Schumann - The Court Hearings -...

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"Dr. Schumann - The Court Hearings - General von Witzleben" by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>8300 words erotic story in English language, plus one illustration, courtesy of Bad Kitty</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about chubby mature men's humiliation and torture, a complete fantasy.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby mature men getting humiliated, abused, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.</p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 40tk

v08229 Dec 27, 2020

Dr. Schumann - The Court Hearings -...

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"Dr. Schumann - The Court Hearings - General Hoepner" by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>5200 words erotic story in English language, plus one illustration, courtesy of Bad Kitty</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about chubby mature men's humiliation and torture, a complete fantasy.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby mature men getting humiliated, abused, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.</p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 40tk

v08228 Dec 27, 2020

Dr. Schumann - The Court Hearings -...

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"Dr. Schumann - The Court Hearings - Leutant Von Haeften" by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>3500 words erotic story in English language, plus one illustration, courtesy of Bad Kitty</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about chubby mature men's humiliation and torture, a complete fantasy.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby mature men getting humiliated, abused, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.</p> <p>SAMPLE:<br />“Lord, please let me resist, when I see this man hanging,” he sends a silent prayer. He spreads his legs widely under the desk to avoid touching his rapidly growing penis.<br /> He turns to Dr. Schumann.<br /> “Why did you continue with your research on Lieutenant von Haeften?”<br /> “In a different program I could observe, that also the positioning of the subject is important for the sperm production and quality. As some other, minor facts are. I took the chance to verify my results.”<br /> “Why did you amputate his legs?”<br /> “He was too heavy for the test.”<br /> The judge makes a long break. He rubs his double chin, has another look on the photos and scrolls through some additional papers.<br /> “I am no medical expert. Dr. Schumann, we need a visible check of your experiments. Officers, please prepare the Mr von Haeften for the presentation according to Dr. Schumann’s advice.”<br /> The attorney again jumps up.<br /> “Objection. Von Haeften already stated, that the method was successful.” “Overruled. We have to verify, if the method did also improve quality and amount of sperm fluid. Officers, please continue.”<br /> “My honour, I have to insist, that Mr von Haeften has a dislocated cervical since his execution. Every stress on his neck may cause his death. The medical report is in the papers.”<br /> The judge scrolls through the folder and fetches out a sheet. He flows over it and turns to Dr. Schumann.<br /> “Will Lieutenant von Haeften’s neck be stressed during your presentation?” Dr. Schumann smiles.<br /> “Definitely not.”<br /> The judge throws the sheet back on the table.<br /> “The insist of the attorney will be recorded. Dr. Schumann, please continue.”<br /> The judge is a little bit disappointed, that he will not see the fat man hanging naked in front of him. The officers place the examination table in front of and centred to the judge’s place. Then they lift von Haeften up and place him at the edge of the plate. The judge tries to look serious, as von Haeften is unclothed. The officer’s remove his shirt, but leave his bowtie at his neck. The judge has to dry his forehead, as he sees the fat man’s naked upper body. He can’t stop looking at the slightly grey chest hair and the huge belly, pressing against the belt. He is sitting in front of him and the suspenders lie sideways on the table. <br /> Without being told to do so, von Haeften puts his hands on his back and with the help of two officers Dr. Schumann ties his arms with wires in the same way as he did with General Hoepner. He stops tightening the wires just as von Haeften reacts in pain.<br /></p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 40tk

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