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v01338 Nov 13, 2020

Aftermath of the July Plot (comic...

"Aftermath of the July Plot " (comic) 27 Pages black and white comic book by "Mai Ping", all pictures are in High-res (3500 * 2100 pixels). Fat Germany officers who were involved in July plot were sent to the prison....Chinese language; WARNING of strong non-consensual sex and violence.


v01337 Oct 08, 2020

Aftermath of the July Plot (comic...

"Aftermath of the July Plot " (comic) 27 Pages black and white comic book by "Mai Ping", all pictures are in High-res (3500 * 2100 pixels). Fat Germany officers who were involved in July plot were sent to the prison....English language; WARNING of strong non-consensual sex and violence.


v01278 Oct 08, 2020

The Death of A Politician (comic)5...

"The Death of A Politician" (comic) 50 Pages black and white comic book by talented artist "Becky".All pages are in High-res (3500 * 2100 pixels). A chub dad politician was abducted by some extremists, the fat man was humiliated, gang-fucked, tortured and ....how did he end? Buy the comic and see for yourself! WARNING of strong non-consensual sex and violence.


v03177 Oct 08, 2020


日本語の漫画『降頭』、16頁、白黒、LPとHEHESHI著 強迫観念、熊、ブードウー、魔術、欲望。


v03176 Oct 08, 2020


中文黑白漫画《降头》,16页,作者:LP和合合石。 胖熊,风水,降术和色欲的怪异组合。


v03175 Oct 08, 2020

English comic Jiang Tou , 16 pages...

English comic "Jiang Tou", 16 pages B&W comic by LP and Heheshi. Obsession, chubby bears, voodoo, magic and Lust.


v04268 Nov 01, 2020

B&W Comic The Promise by Chinese...

B&W Comic "The Promise" by Chinese artist Youngyoung, full version, English language, 55 pages plus 50 color paintings as bonus. Liang is invited to his boss Mr. Lee's house to help Lee fix his computer. However, Liang is going to express his feelings about Lee, can Lee accept Liang's love? What will happen after Liang's love confession?


v03241 Oct 08, 2020

The Promise (En, complete, 56 pages...

B&W Comic "The Promise" by Youngyoung, complete, English language, 56 pages plus 50 coloured drawings of Asian old men.<br /> Liang is invited to his boss Mr. Lee's house to help Lee fix his computer. However, Liang is going to express his feelings about Lee, can Lee accept Liang's love? What will happen after Liang's love confession? <br /> Out of expectation, Mr. Lee accept Liang's love. They will have an incredible night.<br />


v03238 Oct 08, 2020

漫画《承诺》全集 中文,附赠50彩图

漫画《承诺》全集,55页,另额外附赠50张彩图,中文版,作者阳阳。 小梁受邀前往部长家修电脑。然而,小梁准备在那天向部长表白,部长能否接受小梁的爱?小梁表白后,又会发生什么?


v03236 Oct 08, 2020


8位风格迥异伯伯26张高清大图,正装、内衣装、天体装从不同角度展现画中人独特魅力。由中国画手阳阳作画。 他的漫画作品有:《承诺》 26 pieces of high resolution art made by Chinese artist "YangYang",  featuring 8 seniors in their clothed, underweared and fully naked states. Also check out his comic work "The promise" at the manga section "YangYang"という中 国画家による高解像度のアートワーク(26枚)は着物のまま、パンツのままと真っ裸のままの八人のシニア男子を描かれている。 本画家のコミックワークをも御注意を払ってください。


v05302 Oct 08, 2020

High res images from Block Buster...

High res images from Block Buster "STRIP THE CHUBS GAME 5 - STREET FIGHTERS". The resolutions are about 840 x 1102 pixels, total 18 images.


v03458 Nov 16, 2020

High res images from Block Buster...

High res images from Block Buster "STRIP THE CHUBS GAME FOUR - SUPER HEROES". Most 1181x 886 pixels etc, please note that this title are IMAGES, not the GAME. (The images in the game are 420 x 560 pixels.)


v03395 Oct 08, 2020

High res images from Block Buster...

High res images from Block Buster "STRIP THE CHUBS GAME THREE". various 1181x 886, 1120 x 840, 780 x 1200 pixels etc, please note that this title are IMAGES, not the GAME. (The images in the game are 420 x 560 pixels.)


v03256 Oct 08, 2020

High res images from Block Buster...

High res images from Block Buster "STRIP THE CHUBS GAME TWO". 840 x 1120 pixels, please note that this title are IMAGES, not the GAME. (The images in the game are 420 x 560 pixels.)


v03191 Oct 08, 2020

High res images from Block Buster...

High res images from Block Buster "STRIP THE CHUBS GAME ONE". 840 x 1120 pixels, please note that this title are IMAGES, not the GAME. (The images in the game are 420 x 560 pixels.) Customers who have purchased v3188 by 2011.11.14 get this title FREE.  


v03110 Oct 08, 2020


繁简体中文性虐中篇小说《清算(后篇)》,字数10300。作者:竖然起茎   可怜的董员外已经沦为众兵痞的泄欲工具, 可是这个人称“蒜头”、和董员外渊源颇深的青年的出现, 更是让老人的凄惨境遇雪上加霜。 一方面为了博取上司刘宗敏的欢心, 一方面为了一报六年前的私仇, 处心积虑的蒜头施展各种手段折磨、凌辱董员外, 让这位备受穷苦人爱戴的老人在肉体和精神上吃尽了苦头。 这位在“清算大会”上当着众多百姓的面、被刘宗敏许诺平安释放的白胖老者, 最终命运将会怎样? 请看《清算(后篇)》。 警告:本文情节涉及暴虐色情。   Erotic Novel in Chinese Language, this product is NOT a comic. 本書物はコミックスではなくて中国語エッチな小説で、文書のみです  


v03097 Oct 08, 2020


繁简体中文性虐中篇小说《清算(前篇)》,字数18000。作者:竖然起茎 明崇祯十四年三月,李自成所率领的农民军攻入皇城北京,全城被白色恐怖所笼罩。 生性残暴的“总哨”刘宗敏,由于功劳极大又与李自成情同手足而大权在握。他滥施淫威,不仅对城破之前没来得及逃出去的明朝遗臣施以酷刑, 逼取金钱财物,更是将京城各地的富家大户抓捕过来,在“清算大会”上进行百般的残害,以此取乐——虐待、折磨甚至残杀这些养尊处优的地主老爷正是刘宗敏至上的嗜好。 面对乐善好施、深得穷苦人爱戴的非主流大地主董员外,刘宗敏会心甘情愿地让他在这财主富户的地狱中逃过一劫吗? 在大帐之中,刘宗敏和他手下那群兽欲正酣的兵丁们,会对董员外这个白嫩肥美的老尤物做出何等淫乱之事呢? 当董员外沦为众兵痞的泄欲工具之时,突然现身的这个关键人物会如何改变老人的命运呢? 请看《清算(前篇)》。 警告:本文情节涉及暴虐色情。   Erotic Novel in Chinese Language, this product is NOT a comic.  本書物はコミックスではなくて中国語エッチな小説で、文書のみです  


v03095 Oct 08, 2020


繁简体中文性虐短篇小说《“胖瘟神”归西》,字数8500。作者:以茎制洞 1930年冬,蒋介石调集10万大军“围剿”江西中央苏区。时任国民党第9路军第18师中将师长的张辉瓒,便是“围剿”红军的前线总指挥。 了解那段历史的人都知道,那次战争,获胜的一方是红军——正是张辉瓒统帅的第18师的覆灭以及张本人被活捉,宣告了国民党对中央苏区第一次大“围剿”的失败。 国共交战的历史上,张辉瓒是被俘的第一个也是唯一一个国民党中将师长,军阶与职务之高可谓空前绝后。 毛泽东为纪念这次战斗,创作了影响甚大的名词《渔家傲·反第一次大围剿》,其上阕为: “万木霜天红烂漫, 天兵怒气冲霄汉。 雾满龙冈千嶂暗, 齐声唤, 前头捉了张辉瓒。” 回首距今80年的那段往事,张辉瓒这位不可一世的“围剿”大军“前敌总指挥”究竟是如何被他根本没有放在眼中的“赤匪”所生擒的呢? 这个曾经在江西东固地区烧杀劫掠、无恶不作、欠下累累血债,被百姓冠以“胖瘟神”、“张屠夫”之恶名的中将师长,到了万人公审大会上,会受到怎样的审判?最终又会被渴望“食其肉、饮其血”的愤怒群众们如何处置呢? 尽在《“胖瘟神”归西》。 警告:本文情节涉及暴虐色情。 Erotic Novel in Chinese Language, this product is NOT a comic. 本書物はコミックスではなくて中国語エッチな小説で、文書のみです


v01888 Oct 08, 2020

Comic LOST , 23 pages (2 b&w, 21 c...

Comic "LOST", 23 pages (2 b&w, 21 color) An Ultimate fantasy by LP. Warning about violent and nonconsensual sex.


v07292 Nov 19, 2020

Chuckles' Injunbang 3

Chuckles' Injunbang 3 B&W 24 pages. Pete Sanchez tries to escape from the sex-hungry tribe but Bigfoot just won't let him! And someone else is making sure he stays there! Note: the comic is PDF format. Do check out Chuckles' other comics in the comic section, or simply type "chuckles" in the search, let us support the artist!   Click here to list all comics by "chuckles"


Showing 22461 to 22480 of 26568 Records