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v07389 Nov 15, 2020


<p>WAKE UP BIGDADDY. I show you the way i wake up on some mornings. Do you wish you where there. Waking up with Bigdaddy at 7:45am is FUN and good lifestyle and you are very lucky as you will get a full hot breakfast and hot shower. Not too long after that you will be on the back of my 650Cc SUZUKI scooter and driven back to your home or work place.</p> <p>Let me know what you think. Drop in a line back to me.</p> <p>Regards</p> <p> </p> <p>BIGDADDY</p>

8 min 100tk

v07391 Oct 10, 2020


<p>Former v02967</p> <p>中文中老年同志网络小说《<strong>小杨与长辈们的性事-第九篇之野外父子激干</strong>》,作者Lawan,字数2万5千,简繁体。</p> <p>因为一场误会,小杨居然将他的亲伯伯那诱人的老屁眼给操的死去活来。<br /> 发现了自己狠操的帅气中年老板居然是自己的伯伯之后,小杨伤心欲绝地离开。<br /> 回家之后,却又听到了姑姑说的一番关于她愿意把姑父让给他的话。<br /> 操过姑父一次,并且还欲罢不能地惦记着姑父老菊花的小杨,顿时感觉羞愧无比,遂离开了待了很久的家。打算自立。<br /> 当然,这些都是这篇故事的前奏。<br /> “逃”到大岭山的小杨,却在那荒无人烟的荒山野岭的雨夜中,迎接到了说要跟小杨断绝关系的胡叔叔。<br /> 胡叔叔为了他公司的命运,居然恬不知耻地说出类似“叔继续让你操叔的屁眼,你帮叔跟你的经理说说好话”这样的话来。<br /> 性欲高涨的小杨一度被激怒,没有什么考虑就跑到丛林里揪出了一直跟踪胡叔叔的小胡(为胡叔叔的儿子)。<br /> 并且精心计划着,决定让一直对自己的亲生父亲那熊壮的身体垂涎无比的小胡,实现二十多年来的夙愿——狠操亲生父亲一次!<br /> 小胡的愿望是否能够实现? 在那般荒凉的野外,三个男人又该上演如何的激情抑或乱伦的戏码??<br /> 让我们拭目以待!<br /> lawan出品,必属精品</p> <p><strong>Erotic Novel in Chinese Language, this product is NOT a comic.</strong></p> <p><strong>本書物はコミックスではなくて中国語エッチな小説で、文書のみです</strong></p>

Author: Lawan 80tk

v07390 Oct 10, 2020

小杨与长辈们的性事 1-8 Yang and his...

<p>Former v02951<br /> Chubold第一套中文中老年网络小说《<strong>小杨与长辈们的性事</strong>》,作者Lawan,字数14万,共八篇,简繁体。</p> <p>朋友们是否还在发愁很多帅伯优叔,都只能远观而不可亵玩?<br /> 是否在因为书中那满眼的魅力老男人,却无缘得见男人隐秘处而感到遗憾??<br /> 甚至朋友们见到心动的帅伯时,是否有大流口水,恨不得冲上去狠狠抚摸老家伙的大鸡巴和娇嫩老屁眼的冲动??<br /> 更甚至,是否经常幻想某个片段&mdash;&mdash;拥着自己喜爱的老男人,欲望的根,狠狠插在长辈的菊花穴内,来回抽插???<br /> 那么,就让lawan的故事,为大家在一定的程度上将这种幻想具象化!让平常只可远观的帅伯,长大双腿,活生生地摆在大家的面前!!<br /> 小杨,一个外表单纯甚至有些可爱的年轻小伙。他的心底,则深藏着与朋友们一样的秘密。不同的是,多数的朋友,<br /> 将对男性长辈身体的渴望埋藏至心底,只能远远窥视,暗地意淫,顶多夜里躲在被窝撸一撸阳具以暂时实现心中的那个遥不可及的渴望!<br /> 余下的,却只能是无尽的失落。而我们的主角小杨,有色心又有色胆!<br /> 故事从在公交车上的一次偶遇,机缘巧合,加上小杨的大胆,他第一次品尝到了熊爸爸&mdash;&mdash;这么一个帅气到无以复加的魅力叔叔那令人神魂颠倒的身体。<br /> 他的艳遇,似乎也从此开始&mdash;&mdash;班主任、银行经理、自己的上司、朋友的父亲,甚至通过某些特殊手段,让姑父心甘情愿地献出自己的老屁眼!!<br /> 更有甚者,在第八篇的故事中,他居然阴差阳错之下,操了&hellip;&hellip;<br /> 故事还在继续,lawan相信,小杨的故事绝对不会让大家失望的!!</p> <p><strong>Erotic Novel in Chinese Language, this product is NOT a comic.</strong></p> <p><strong>本書物はコミックスではなくて中国語エッチな小説で、文書のみです</strong></p>

Author: Lawan 100tk

v07320 Oct 08, 2020

Dr Schumann's Laboratory 25 page...

"Dr Schumann's Laboratory " 25 pages B&W comic by artists "LP&GG", All pictures are in High Res (4016*2486 pixels). Condemned July-plot German officers were sent to Evil Dr Horst Schumann's Laboratory for his scientific experiment and sometimes for his own devilish pleasure. WARNING of strong non-consensual sex, sexual torture, humiliation.(Japanese language, facial hair)Former v1488_6


v07319 Nov 17, 2020

Schumann's Laboratory for his scien...

Schumann's Laboratory for his scientific experiment and sometimes for his own devilish pleasure. WARNING of strong non-consensual sex, sexual torture, humiliation.(English language, facial hair)Former v1488_5


v07318 Oct 08, 2020

Schumann's Laboratory

<p>中文版<br /> 舒曼的实验室<br /> 警告:该漫画包含强奸,折磨和羞辱<br /> Schumann&#39;s Laboratory for his scientific experiment and sometimes for his own devilish pleasure. WARNING of strong non-consensual sex, sexual torture, humiliation.(Chinese language, facial hair)</p>

Author: Victor K 160tk

v07317 Oct 09, 2020

Schumann's Laboratory for his scien...

Schumann's Laboratory for his scientific experiment and sometimes for his own devilish pleasure. WARNING of strong non-consensual sex, sexual torture, humiliation.(Japanese language, no facial hair)Former v1488_4


v07316 Nov 15, 2020

Schumann's Laboratory for his scien...

Schumann's Laboratory for his scientific experiment and sometimes for his own devilish pleasure. WARNING of strong non-consensual sex, sexual torture, humiliation.(English language, no facial hair)Former v1488_2


v07315 Oct 09, 2020

Schumann's Laboratory for his scien...

Schumann's Laboratory for his scientific experiment and sometimes for his own devilish pleasure. WARNING of strong non-consensual sex, sexual torture, humiliation.(Chinese language, no facial hair).Former v1488_1


v07306 Oct 08, 2020

4700 Drawings of chub and Older man...

4700 Drawings of chub and Older man torture female. Warning of Violence.Former pcd06

Resolution: * 199tk

v05548 Oct 08, 2020

62 high resolution photos, most of...

62 high resolution photos, most of them have never been published. Most are black and white, some are colour ones. The man in the photos is from the film v5380 by Studioheavyfilms.com  


v05290 Oct 08, 2020

Japanese comic - Marriage in both...

Japanese comic - "Marriage" in both English language, 21 pages, featuring a hairy mid-aged man. All roles in the comic are over 18 years old, fantasy only

Author: n/a 40tk

v05131 Oct 08, 2020


 XZZ ARt: Bears and their girls PDF format, all drawings are high resolution 4960*3507 pixels,total 8 coloured art and 8 black &amp; white line art. 8张彩色和8张线稿,高分辨率電子畫冊,PDF格式。 &nbsp; Description/简介: &nbsp; 體格差/FETISH OF BODY SIZE DIFFERENCE&nbsp;


v05055 Oct 08, 2020

Two Japanese short comics in Englis...

Two Japanese short comics in English language, 28 pages, featuring two mid-aged chubbies All roles in the comic are over 18 years old, fantasy only.

Author: n/a 40tk

v05053 Oct 08, 2020

Japanese comic - Kensou in Englis...

Japanese comic - "Kensou" in English language, 20 pages, featuring a big bear All roles in the comic are over 18 years old, fantasy only.

Author: n/a 40tk

v05043 Oct 27, 2020

Japanese comic - Cast in English...

Japanese comic - "Cast" in English language, 141 pages, featuring 2 chubbies All roles in the comic are over 18 years old, fantasy only.

Author: n/a 40tk

v05042 Oct 08, 2020

Japanese comic - Letter in Englis...

Japanese comic - "Letter" in English language, 90 pages, featuring hairy butch old men. All roles in the comic are over 18 years old, fantasy only.

Author: n/a 40tk

v05040 Oct 08, 2020

Japanese comic - Ecstasy in Engli...

Japanese comic - "Ecstasy" in English language, 108 pages, featuring young chubby man. All roles in the comic are over 18 years old, fantasy only

Author: n/a 40tk

v05039 Oct 08, 2020

Japanese comic - Fucked by My Boss...

Japanese comic - "Fucked by My Boss In an Elevator" in both English and Chinese language, 16 pages, featuring old husky man. All roles in the comic are over 18 years old, fantasy only

Author: n/a 40tk

v04944 Oct 08, 2020

The Downfall of a SA Commander Vol....

The Downfall of a SA Commander Vol. Two Graphic Art by "Lezaiqizhong" 8 pieces of beautiful coloured artwork with some variations (with hat or without, 16 files) JPG format, high resolution 2480*3508 pixels, view them on a big screen or print them to hang on a wall! Genitalia can be seen in the pictures. Please buy the art to support the artist, a lot cheaper than ordering custom art, we will see more to come, thank you!


Showing 22521 to 22540 of 26693 Records