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v08227 Dec 27, 2020

Born to be an executioner

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>&quot;Born to be an executioner&quot; by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>37600 words erotic story in English language, plus one illustration, courtesy of Bad Kitty.</p> <p>A sample from the story:</p> <p>&quot;Reluctantly, Lee opened his mouth and Jonas pushed in the gag and secured it with a rubber band around Lee&#39;s neck. He then picked up the stick, stood next to the convicted man and reached out. During the short stop he looked over at Doctor Landau, who was wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. Then Jonas struck hard and precisely. Lee did not make a sound, just flinched. But already after the third blow he groaned loudly and bent his body in pain. After each hit, Jonas took a long break. The first time he hit Lee&#39;s buttocks, the muscles cramped, and thick, transparent secretions spilled from the glans. Jonas suspected that Lee had pushed the anal plug by tensing at his prostate, triggering the secretion flow. Jonas administered the next blow to Lee&#39;s thigh, aiming to hit the dark and now wet glans. Lee squealed in pain like a piglet and trampled with his feet. It was almost a minute until he was calm again and expected the next hit. Jonas targeted that one to Lees testicles. The pain froze Lee&#39;s body. Only after a few seconds he did start to tremble so that the lard wobbled on his thighs, hips and belly and he finally gasped sobbing. But except for the unwanted convulsions, he remained silently and so Jonas could continue the punishment. Stroke by stroke hit Lees wide back, forcing him to scream and bend his fat body in pain. Parallel red lines appeared on his skin, turning their colour from white to pink to red to violet. After every hit Jonas had to give him more time to recover. Lee started to cry and begged for mercy every time he realized Jonas reach out for the next stroke. His words were not understandable due to the gag in his mouth. But his whiny voice left no doubt about that. Spittle was dripping out of his mouth and when he screamed after a hit on his back the white foam was blown away. The penultimate blow hit Lee&#39;s taut and dripping glans again. Lee bent his massive body in pain and screamed strident and long lasting. Jonas waited in peace. Then, for the last time, he positioned himself, raised the stick, and struck Lee&#39;s testicles vigorously again. Lee&#39;s body cramped again, and he squealed in pain like a pig. The screaming and bending lasted more than ten seconds. But instead of slowly relaxing, Lee began to tense his buttocks evenly and rhythmically. He began to wheeze like a walrus, groaning and grunting. Jonas noticed as the liquid seeping out of Lee&#39;s penis slowly turned cloudy milky. With every tightening of the glutes a little drop of sperm now was squeezed out. Lee suddenly stopped breathing and then, accompanied by deep, animalic moans and grunts, pumped out a thick beam of sperm, followed by a second and third powerful ejaculation. Lee slumped, breathing heavily and quietly, groaning exhausted, while still sperm was dripping from his penis.&quot;</p> <p>***</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about chubby mature men&#39;s humiliation, torture and executions, hanging is the major fetish, a complete fantasy.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby mature men getting humiliated, abused, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.</p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 120tk

v08226 Dec 27, 2020

Ewald Kleist, Photos and Documentar...

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"Ewald Kleist, Photos and Documentaries part two" by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>6500 words erotic story in English language, plus one illustration, courtesy of Bad Kitty</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about fat Nazi officers and other chubby mature men's humiliation, torture and death, hanging is the fetish, a complete fantasy.<br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby mature men getting humiliated, abused, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.<br /></p> <p> SAMPLE:<br /> A soft gong like before a theatrical performance announced the beginning of the execution. The guards took their places at the gallows and the officers initially placed themselves so that the convicts had to pass them on their last walk.<br /> After a second gong, the last murmur fell silent. The door to the next room opened and Hugo Sperrle came out first. No, he did not come out, but he was dragged and pushed out by several MP. Despite his age, he used all his strength to fight against being brought to the gallows. Not because he was afraid, but because he saw a firing squad for the only appropriate form of execution. He snorted like a bull through his nose and his still gagged mouth, causing his saliva to come out as whitish foam, running down his chin and dripping onto his hairy chest. Again and again he tried to turn around to the officers and roared curses and insults in her direction, but because of the gag it became a completely incomprehensible porridge of gurgling and puffing sounds. It was unrecognizable that the strength of this beefy man was waning and so the MP had to fight every step on the way to the gallows.<br /> Behind Sperrle Otto Meissner entered the hall. Only one MP accompanied him, but even that would probably not have been necessary. Otto Meissner quietly followed the angry Sperrle his head down. Through Sperrle's fight Meissner was only able to pass the officers slowly and with breaks. He was probably aware of his naked vulnerability, because after the first steps he tried to turn away from them. Not suddenly and anxiously, but rather protective.<br /> Walther Funk came in last. He was visibly scared and looked around nervously. His round body was wet with sweat, which was certainly not only due to the summer temperatures. He was still cuffed like a suspect during investigations and therefore the only one with a short chain between his ankles. So he hopped with short steps behind the other two. The accompanying MP held him by the upper arm to prevent him from stumbling. Through the short hops that he made his belly and his breasts were bobbing and in rhythm with them the leather strap of the converted gag in his anus swung like a tail between his buttocks.<br /> Because of Sperrle's fight, the way to the gallows for the three naked, old men took longer than usual. Meissner and Funk clearly showed how fear and shame were lodged in their intestines and crept slowly up to the abdomen and neck. They could feel the looks of those present and yet could not hide their aged, thick bodies.<br /></p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 40tk

v08225 Dec 27, 2020

Ewald Kleist, Photos and Documentar...

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"Ewald Kleist, Photos and Documentaries part one" by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>12300 words erotic story in English language, plus one illustration, courtesy of Bad Kitty</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about fat Nazi officers and other chubby mature men's humiliation, torture and death, hanging is the fetish, a complete fantasy.<br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby mature men getting humiliated, abused, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.</p> <p>SAMPLE:<br /> That's the way Hans must have looked in Carl Wentzel's eyes as he smiled and maltreated his penis until it finally stiffened after several minutes. Hans sat down on a stool, pushed back the foreskin skilfully and reached out for a thin rubber hose. At that time, I had made some close-ups of how he grasped the Wentzel's penis with two fingers behind the glans with his left hand so that the urethra opened a little and inserted the tube with his right (hand). The photos later showed clearly that the hose was dry and not lubricated, as was usual in the drainage of a convict's bladder. Wentzel therefore screamed loudly in pain as the tube was inserted, trying to move his old, stretched body as Hans pushed the tube deeper and deeper into the urethra. <br />From time to time Hans paused, in which Wentzel gasped for air, then pushed the hose on. It could be seen from Wentzel's violent jerks when the tube passed through the prostate and finally penetrated the bladder. <br />Shortly thereafter, the urine began to run out and Hans got up from his chair satisfied. While the SS men made fun of the tormented man, Hans pulled a hose from the wall, turned on the water until it slowly flowed out of the end and stood behind Wentzel. He pushed the hose slowly between the wide buttocks until he touched the sphincter. I could not see that Hans had to put a lot of effort into it, but the moment the hose penetrated his gut, Wentzel's eyes opened and a deep sigh broke out of his mouth. His penis stiffened completely and bobbed under his belly as his bowel slowly filled with water. After a few seconds, Hans pulled out the hose and stepped aside slightly. Wentzel struggled visibly, pinching his anus. But finally he gave up and emptied his bowels in front of everyone present. He sobbed, the humiliation was so unbearable that it had destroyed him and he gave up his fight. Hans rinsed the ejection into the drain with his hose and then proceeded with the enemas. <br />The old farmer lowered his head and stared blankly at the floor. He showed no sign of resistance, only a faint sigh was heard when Hans pushed the hose back into his anus.<br /></p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 40tk

v08224 Dec 27, 2020

When obesity becomes a crime

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"<strong>When obesity becomes a crime</strong>" by Victor</p> <p>A 4800 words erotic story in English language, plus 1 illustration as a bonus, courtesy of Bad Kitty</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about chubby men getting abused and slaughtered, a complete fantasy.<br /> <br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby men getting humiliated, abused and being put to death, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.</p> <p>SAMPLE:<br />The world has turned into chaos in the near future, due to the limited food and resources and other environmental strain on a global scale, famine, natural disasters , conflicts and war are breaking out in every continent, the so-called developed western countries are not immune from the dire situation. To preserve the human race, many countries have put forth martial laws to tackle the problem, health-care emergency acts are one of the kinds. <br /> In this country, parliament has adopted this outrageous Emergency Health-care Acts, obese male of 40 years old and older are given 180 days to lose weight under a predefined standard based on your height and weight BMI index, female, children and younger adult males below 40 years old are exempted. Persons who fail to meet the standard will be arrested, they will lose their processions, properties and all the rights including their lives and become the properties of the government, they will be either auctioned off for revenue and/or become consumable meat products. Many didn't believe from the start, some just couldn’t manage to lose weight, a lot of people including the lawmakers and higher classes themselves, they thought they were going to pass if they just paid some fines.<br /> Chapter One<br /> Punishment of the former interior Minister<br /> When Borowski saw the scene in another room behind the single-sided glass, his head felt like exploding, his pale piggy face turned purple, beads of sweat appeared on the forehead, he was furious and scared at the same time, he couldn't believe his own eyes.<br /><br /> Police Commissioner Borowski<br /> On the other side of the glass, in addition to the closed-circuit camera on the corner ceiling, there is only a waist-high stainless steel table. Former Interior Minister Peter O'Brien, whose legs were pulled apart bent towards the head and the knees below were bound by leather straps fitted on the table, he was on his back and both arms were bound behind his back, his wrists were cuffed. O’Brien’ half balding head hung over the table and there was a lot of vomit on the floor. His enormous belly was heaving in a rapid speed, without the blockage of the thighs, a metallic rod in the anus was clear at a glance. By the signs of the prisoner's stiffen penis and splashed semen on the groin and abdomen, one can easily guess that the rod in the rectum was charged with electricity, it forced the prisoner to be in the state of arousal and keep ejaculating during his everlasting torment. A short bulky masked man grabbed hold of the prisoner's neck with both hands, his penis was thrusting the prisoner’s mouth in and out, the man looked to be in his middle age and had a lot of hair on his groin area, his lower abdomen slammed the victim’s face with great force when he pushed his engorged penis all the way into the old man’s throat. The assailant would keep his penis in there making the victim unable to breath and caused him to struggle madly.<br /> Interior Minister Peter O'Brien<br /><br /> "I command you to stop this atrocity immediately, the minister has stopped breathing!" <br /></p>

Author: Victor 40tk

v08223 Dec 27, 2020

It was in the news

<p><strong>NOTE: This is an English erotic story. It is NOT a comic or a porn video.</strong></p> <p>"It was in the news" by Cinema_in_the_head</p> <p>7700 words erotic story in English language, plus 9 illustrative images</p> <p>This story is NOT for the faint of heart, it is about a chubby mature man's humiliation, a complete fantasy.<br /> If you love this subject, buy this story to support the author.</p> <p>However, If you are easily offended by chubby mature men getting humiliated, abused, please do not venture further.</p> <p>The intention is making friends with like-minded guys around the world.</p> <p>SAMPLE:<br />He parks his car in front of the factory gate and lifts his heavy body outside. Standing beside the open door he pulls the slightly slipped waistband over his wide butt again. As usual, he therefore hooks his thumbs in the waistband at the back and lets them slide forward without really expecting to pull it over his mighty, overhanging paunch.<br /> "I really should lose weight," he thinks.<br /> He still feels the celebration of his fifty-ninth birthday in his bones. Nevertheless, he is more than punctual. He did not want to come too late on this date, to which the chairman of the board of directors had appointed him. He has no idea what exactly the occasion is. Just that it is about financial things to go. But if a meeting is scheduled for a Saturday morning, it is certain that not everyone should know immediately what’s going on. As usual, he wears a suit and a tie, and quickly walks the few steps to the porter's lodge. He bends forward until he is able to speak through the small window.<br /> "Good Morning. Krause is my name. Otto Krause. I have a meeting with the board. "<br /> The doorkeeper puzzles in his book, then points to a spot with a finger.<br /> "There you are. Otto Krause. One moment please."<br /> The doorkeeper closes the small window and comes out of his box.<br /> "Well, would you please follow me, Mister Krause."<br /> The doorkeeper turns around and walks so fast that the fat man has to strain himself to follow him. Again and again he has to make one, two jump steps that let his belly bounce.<br /> "Please slow down a little. No one is following us. "<br /> "I'm sorry, Sir, but I am not allowed to stay away from the gate too long."<br /> Breathing heavily, the fat man follows the doorkeeper across the factory until they finally enter an almost empty hall. The doorman walks on until he stands in front of one of the last heavy workbenches and turns around.<br /> "Please wait here, I'll be right back."<br /></p>

Author: Cinema_in_the_head 40tk

v08146 Dec 14, 2020

Chubby Daddy's Big Balls Emptied

<p>Horny Chub Daddy has found a few minutes home alone. This is the perfect time to grab his cock and tickle his balls for some hot solo play. The old chub squeezes and slaps his dick to attention, then pulls and pumps his growing shaft. Your favorite sexy old bear happily tugs on his tight ball sack while fingering the head of his cock. This is your best chance to join in the fun with Chub Daddy. Grab your own pulsing boner and jerk along with the big guy. You need it too!</p>

7 min 100tk

v08023 Nov 25, 2020

"The train adventure" EN [comic]

<p>This comic telling the road adventures of a chubby guy. This is based on the true history of ap6y3chub with a slight exaggeration of reality. The comic was created in 2018 by the artist under the pseudonym JimHookins, this guy is able to show us how luxurious and hot the bodies of chubby bear guys are. I assure you that you will drool and your cock will very hard! No censorship, you will see everything that is usually hidden. Enjoy! </p>

Author: JimHookins, ap6y3chub 100tk

v08022 Nov 25, 2020

"He liked to be called Big Huse + D...

<p>Monochrome comic book in PDF format for 15 pages (hairy version), English. He tells a short story about a city guy, a student who came to his grandpa for summer holidays to help his on a farm. But by chance, he met with a local big man, whose locals called Big Huse.</p> <p>Our student has long been drooling on chubby guys. But what about Huse? This highly confident charismatic hillbilly. But our guy will never know if he does not dare to admit to the healthy man in his passionate desires. Will he decide or will something else happen?</p> <p>+ Extended prequel</p> <p><strong>"The chance meeting on the lake (Huse & Derek)"</strong></p> <p>This added extended version contains a prequel story at a time when the guys were not yet familiar but met by chance in a secured place on the lake.</p>

Author: JimHookins, ap6y3chub 300tk

v08021 Nov 25, 2020

Hunting once in the foggy morning

<p>This comic was one of our first works and was created in 2017. It has a very daring and bold plot. Graphics in a monochrome palette, it gave an atmosphere and a little gloom, as if you are seeing a bad dream. But this does not spoil the impression of what he saw. He is still one of my favorites. <br /> Events are developing rapidly, so it takes your breath away, and you think - what the hell?! How are they going to do?! You will notice that all the characters have names, but the name of the main character is never mentioned. And something fatal happens to him. <br /> The comic and the plot evoke different feelings. From admiration and passion to horror, and even anger or pity. But it certainly does not leave you indifferent. <br /> <strong>Warning! </strong>The plot contains scenes of violence, the brutality of coercion, murder, and cannibalism. So if you are not ready to see this do not purchase this content. We do not promote violence or cannibalism. We just use these themes as a genre of art, as is customary in cinema or literature. To flirt with your feelings and get a safe impression of a story that never took place. <br /> In the comic, there is: the victim is a hefty furry guy. He will be tortured. Several hunters are like a redneck. Two skinny and one silver daddy. Beatings take place in the wilderness where the main character found himself in a car accident. Find out what happened in this story. </p>

Author: JimHookins, ap6y3chub 140tk

v07995 Nov 24, 2020

Big Load - Chubdaddy StudioThickest...

<p>Big Load - Chubdaddy Studio</p> <p><strong>Thickest cumshot from a chubby daddy ever seen!</strong></p> <p>Kiki Star goes over to her friend’s house, but finds she isn’t yet home. Her friend’s step-father invites her to wait for Emily to arrive. The old chubby guy finds an excuse to see and touch Kiki’s pretty young feet. A friendly foot rub becomes more intimate when she notices the man has a hard on. Kiki asks him to take it out and she begins rubbing his cock with her sexy brown size six’s. She rubs, twists and jerks his hard cock with her petite feet. When Kiki’s legs get tired she begins jerking him off with her soft hands. It takes a long time for the sweet young thing to get the old guy off. When he finally nears orgasm he tells her to put her feet back on his cock, but before Kiki can bring those slender feet into position he splurts a thick rope of cum onto the floor. Kiki Star is disappointed that she didn’t catch it with her feet as intended, but old uncle tio is feeling quite relieved with the outcome. Somebody better clean that mess up before Emily comes home from oboe practice.</p>

26 min 200tk

v07994 Nov 24, 2020

Sexy Stripper Shoejob for Chub Dadd...

<p>Your favorite Chub Daddy&nbsp;Archer Legend has convinced a struggling, out of work&nbsp;stripper to play with his dick. This young lady is performing her very first shoejob on the big guy.&nbsp; Archer Legend lies back as the barely legal exotic dancer goes to work on his cock.&nbsp; She slips his tool between her wrinkled arch and the bright silver heel and pumps up and down.&nbsp; She uses her other foot to alternately caress his balls and increase the exquisite pressure on his bulging shaft.&nbsp; It&rsquo;s a very tight fit for his thick cock and her tiny size six foot so the sensation is intense.&nbsp; The&nbsp;pole dancer earns her exotic name as she brings our portly, foot loving hero to an explosive orgasm that coats her shiny shoe in thick, creamy cum.</p>

8 min 120tk

v07996 Nov 25, 2020

Prescription BBQ from Mr.Laam

<p>New exciting color comic from <strong>BedtimeStories18</strong>. We worked on it for 6 months in 2020 and now it&rsquo;s ready. The plot develops in three volumes and this is the first of them. In it you will learn about the characters and the beginning of the storyline, which is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance.<br /> So&hellip; We have a hefty guy named Micah, (<em>by the way whose prototype is real guy ap6y3chub</em>). At the invitation of his friend Jim, he agrees to take advantage of the offer to go on a trip to the outback of Vietnam, to a closed settlement. A long journey after which the guests are met by Mr.Laam. He is the master of this village. This is a dark horse in history, and you will have to look closely at him to understand his intentions.<br /> However, I will keep the intrigue, and it will be better if you find out everything yourself. <strong>In the story, there is a thick, furry, and powerful guy, there are several chaser type characters, as well as acts of feeding the big male and domination, peeping, and spontaneous sex without an agreement and tied.</strong></p>

Author: JimHookins, ap6y3chub 360tk

v07971 Nov 20, 2020

Rubbing and Teasing Footjob - by Ch...

<p>Rubbingg and Teasing Footjob - by ChubDaddy Studio</p> <p><strong>Cheaper, longer, higher quality version, exclusive for chubold.</strong></p> <p>Lovely, luscious Lola Fae is a crowd pleaser for sure. She sports the most perfectly sweet petite feet you will ever find. If you can peel your eyes away from those tasty tootsies, you’ll see a twisted smile of supreme confidence on her pretty face. She may not bother to speak to you, but you can be certain that she is sizing you up. In this scene she grants the fortunate Archer Legend a long time wish by giving him a footjob. Lola Fae is a very talented cockwalker and you don’t want to miss seeing her put feet on meat. Archer endures her glares of indifference as she tantalizes his throbbing cock with thr dainty toes and soft, slender soles of her size six feet. She has no intention of stepping on his dick all day long and she makes it clear that he must cum for her. Cumming on demand isn’t as easy as one might imagine, even underneath those wonderful goddess feet, but Lola Fae spurs the big guy into spooging out a whopping load of hot cum all over her sexy little feet.</p>

19 min 180tk

v07970 Nov 20, 2020

Bedtime with Stepdad - ChubDaddy St...

<p>Bedtime with stepdad - ChubDaddy Studio</p> <p><strong>Cheaper, longer, higher quality version,&nbsp;exclusive for chubold.</strong></p> <p>Petite youngster Cecilia Lion is ready for bed and just needs her stepfather to tuck her in for the night. He comes in and asks her about her bedtime rituals. He is very thorough and wishes to be certain that his little girl hasn&rsquo;t forgotten to wash up and brush her teeth. When the old guy is checking the cleanliness of her small, brown feet, Cecilia&rsquo;s foot brushes stepdad&rsquo;s crotch: she exclaims excitedly &ldquo;Stepdaddy, you have a rection!&rdquo; The fatherly figure uses this moment to teach her that the proper word is &ldquo;erection.&rdquo; Cecilia follows up by asking if that means they are going to play the secret game again. Stepdad assures young Ceci that they are definitely going to take this opportunity to play since his wife is working late.<br /> <br /> Cecilia gets so excited to play with her stepdad&rsquo;s hard cock again. The old guy goes down on those beautiful little feet like he hasn&rsquo;t eaten in days. As he licks, kisses and slurps those perfect feet in complete delight; the young girl uses both hands to grip, twist and toy with the old man&rsquo;s cock. It&rsquo;s such a fun toy and he makes the oddest sounds as she twists and pumps his throbbing boner. Cecilia Lion uses her small hands and slender fingers to pump, squeeze and jerk the trembling man&rsquo;s dick to an explosive orgasm. She does such a great job that stepdad promises to take her shoe shopping on the weekend; but reminds sweet Cecilia Lion that their very special game must always remain a secret.</p>

22 min 180tk

v07966 Nov 20, 2020

So Hard - by ChubDaddy StudioCheape...

<p>So Hard - by ChubDaddy Studio</p> <p><strong>Cheaper, longer, higher quality version, exclusive for chubold.</strong></p> <p>The summer season brings a slower pace of life for many who enjoy chilling on the patio with meat on the grill. For Archer Legend, his dreams begin and end with putting his meat on sexy feet! Crafty Colombiana Chikalu DelFuego presents her highly competent footjob skills for the first time on camera. Archer is delighted to be the organ donor for this memorable exhibition. Chikalu doesn’t hesitate to begin and jumps right in, wrapping both of those high arched size five-and-a-half soles around his bulging cock. You can see the concentration on her face as the lovely morena focuses on the task. A pretty girl, with sexy feet is a spectacular gift to mankind, but when she puts such sincere effort into bringing a guy to orgasm it is even more special. Chikalu can’t believe how rock hard his dick is for her soft feet and rewards him handsomely by gritting her teeth and breaking a sweat in the process of completing a marathon stroke session. She works so hard that Archer refuses to deny her significant reward. With a loud groan, he spurts a thick rope of cum across her beautiful brown feet and toes. Her huge smile shows authentic pride in accomplishment and with complete certainly we can promise that Chikalu DelFuego will be invited back to perform her petite pole dance at ChubDaddy Studio.</p>

15 min 160tk

20% Off

v07927 Nov 14, 2020

Two guys web broadcasting in a car

<p>Two guys web broadcasting in a car</p>

44 min 80tk 64tk

20% Off

v07878 Nov 04, 2020

Two Chinese guys (one chub) fuck a...

<p>Two Chinese guys (one chub) fuck a girl</p> <p>两人其中一熊干外援,国产。</p>

39 min 160tk 128tk

v07862 Nov 03, 2020


<p>Jojo loves to visit my room when i am in town. She always finds out when i am in town from her friends and then i have a door knock with her nice smile looking at me when i open the door.</p> <p>I always say come in and you know what to do. What she doe's is on the video and i will let you guy's and girls have a look for your self.</p> <p>Till we meet again, I cant wait..</p>

34 min 100tk

20% Off

v07735 Oct 19, 2020

中年散打教练 家暴男boxing coach wti...

<p>中年散打教练 家暴男</p> <p>boxing coach wtih another guy</p>

16 min 160tk 128tk

20% Off

v07689 Oct 13, 2020

The man with camera promised to fin...

<p>The man with camera promised to find a woman for the homeless guy if he could cum.</p> <p>户外撸流浪汉鸡鸡</p>

4 min 40tk 32tk

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